2P Italy x Reader

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Your pov

You stared at yourself in the mirror, taking in all the work that had been put into looking the way you do. A long white dress fell down your body, hugging your body in the best way possible, your hair was styled just the way you wanted it, and your makeup, though minimal, was beautiful. You grinned and the woman in the mirror grinned back.

"I'm going to get married," You whispered, happily. Yes, today was the day that you were going to marry the love of your life, Luciano. When you met him, he was a playboy with a terrible temper that ran a gang and had the personality of a sunburn. To be totally honest, he hadn't changed that much, but he'd opened himself up to you. He could be very loving and romantic when he wanted to be. His favorite thing to do was wrap his arms around you and pepper your face in kisses, but only in private. Suddenly, your best friend, Lutz, appeared behind you.

"Ja(1), Frau(2). You're getting married," He said, smiling lazily at you.

"Thirty minutes from now, I'm going to be, Mrs. (Y/N) Vargas," You sighed, dreamily. Lutz laughed, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"No, not at all. No cold feet around here!" You cheered, dancing around a little bit. Lutz laughed again, patting your head and making sure that he didn't mess up your hair. You stopped dancing, turning to look at him with a worried look.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Luciano isn't getting cold feet, is he?" You asked. It was a little worrying to think about him not being sure about getting married.

"No, Frau. Don't tell him I told you this but, he's dancing around and acting just as excited as you are," Lutz said, winking. You giggled at the mental picture of Luciano dancing around and grinning because he did it so rarely.

~~Time skip~~

You heard the music start, ready for the doors to open and walk down the aisle. Your dad wasn't there to walk you down aisle, so Lutz was doing it. He looked down at you with a smile and you grinned back. Your heart was thumping with excitement. Lutz chuckled a little, shaking his head as he took your arm with his. You took a deep breath to calm yourself just a little before you walked.

"Ready?" He asked.

"I've been ready all day," You tittered. He patted your small, (S/T) hand as the doors opened and you walked towards your future husband. In just a little while you two were going to be bound together forever. Lutz delivered you to the altar and Luciano took your hands, lovingly.

"You look bellissimo(3), (Y/N)," He whispered. You blushed a little.

"You look pretty good yourself, Luci," You said, knowing you could get away with the nickname. You two barely listened all the way through the ceremony, speaking the parts you had to. Luciano's soft magenta eyes never left your (E/C) ones. Every once in awhile he would squeeze your hands lightly and you would squeeze back with a smile. You two were snapped into reality when the minister started into the part you two really cared about.

"Do you, Luciano Vargas, take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, as long as both shall live?" He asked. Luciano smiled, gripping your hands a little tighter.

"I do," He said.

"Do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take Luciano Vargas, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and--"

"If I didn't I wouldn't be here. Yes, I do," You said, cutting him off. A wave a soft laughter rolled through the crowd and the minister laughed as well. Luciano smiled, shaking his head.

"Well then, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride," The minister laughed. You pitched yourself forward before he finished the last word and kissed you husband. His hands fell to the small of your back and held you close until you parted. You turned to the crowd and you held you bouquet up with a cheer.

"I'm, Mrs. Vargas!" You cheered, dancing in place. You didn't care that people were watching. Luciano chuckled, shaking his head again before taking your hand and leading you back down the aisle. People were laughing lightly, some had teary eyes others were just grinning at you. As soon as the two of you got far enough away from people, you threw yourself into his arms, kissing him.

"Ti amo(4), Mrs. Vargas," He said. You giggled, kissing his jaw softly. He gave you a childish smile, beginning to resemble his counterpart for a second.

"Ti amo, my amazing husband," You said. He trailed his finger down your face, tracing a scar he'd given you when you had first started dating. He'd never apologized for it, but you knew he felt bad about it. You smiled, turning your head and kissing the tips of his fingers.

"You amaze me sometimes, bella(1)," He said, his smile turning slightly sadistic. There was your man.

"Do I?" You asked.

"Sì(5). You are too forgiving to be the wife of a gangster," He said, brushing against the scar again. You returned his sadistic smile with one of your own.

"But you know how vindictive I can be though," You purred, tracing the scar you'd repaid him with the day after he gave you your own. He ran a hand over your cheek keeping that same smirking smile and you returned it easily.

"I suppose that's why I love you, (Y/N), my little mob wife," He hummed.

"We should get to the reception, Luci," You said, giving him a sweet smile. He gave you another kiss, one that lingered a bit then swept you two into the reception hall. This was the beginning of something unstoppable and never ending. You weren't sure if the world was ready for you two yet, but that was the best part.


Hey Kit Kats! I hope you enjoyed this story. Let me know in the comments if you liked it and who you want to see next. Remember to vote and share this story because it would make me happy. I love you all and wish you the best in life!


1)Ja- German- yes

2)Frau- German- girl

3)Bellissimo- Italian- beautiful

4)Ti amo- Italian- i love you

5)Sì- Italian- yes

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