Jealous!Scotland x Reader

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Your pov

For weeks you had been meaning to ask Scotland out, but you just didn't have the confidence or any idea how to do it. Usually, you were fairly straightforward with what you wanted, but Scotland's your best friend and your really didn't want to risk messing with that. He was the best drinking partner that you'd ever come across and one of the most honest people you knew as well.

You figured that, if you didn't know what to do, his brothers would be able to help you. Before you knew it, you were spending so much time with his brothers that you weren't hanging out with him. You didn't mean to ignore him by any means, but it happened that way. Today you planned to ask him out and you were going over things with his brothers.

"England, are you sure that this will go alright?" You asked, smoothing your (F/C), semi wrinkled shirt slightly.

"Positive, (C/N)! Quit worrying, Scottie likes you anyway!" Ireland yelled before England could answer. England glared at him a little before looking back at you. He smiled and put a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it lightly. England was off to do the same thing you were today, so he understood the struggles.

"You'll be fine, (C/N). Just keep in mind that it is Scotland and he is your best friend. Good luck, love," He said, leaning in and kissing your cheek lightly. You hugged him.

"Good luck with, America. I'm sure he likes you back," You whispered in his ear. You felt him smile against your shoulder, as you two were about the same height.

Little did you know, Scotland could see the three of you through the crack you had left in the door to the study you were in. It pissed him off to high heaven because he had warned England and Ireland that you were is, only his. Angrily, Scotland slammed the door all the way open, letting it hit the wall behind it. You and England pulled apart from each other quickly, your (E/C) eyes widening. Even Ireland jumped in surprize.

"Hey, Scotland. I didn't know you were home," You said, hoping he hadn't heard what you had been talking about with his brothers. He glared at England with the look of death in his eyes. You looked at Ireland for an explanation and he shrugged.

"I fuckin' told ya to stay away from her!" Scotland growled. England put his hands out in front of him like he was surrendering.

"I-It isn't what it looks like," He replied taking a step back. You had no clue what was going on, but you figured England was going to get the shit kicked out of him if no one did anything.

"The hell it isn't!" He yelled, throwing his hands in the air. Ireland stepped towards Scotland in the same position England was.

"Calm down, Scott, nothing's going on between them," He said. Both England and Ireland looked scared out of their heads.

"Shut it!" He snapped, shooting a cutting glare at Ireland. He stepped away from England.

"You're on your own, mate. Good luck," He said, hightailing it out of the room. Nice, you thought, rolling your eyes. Scotland looked like a rabid dog, the way he was cornering England. Without thinking, you grabbed his hand with both of yours. You hoped that this would distract him from England long enough for him to get away. He looked back at you for a split second before hauling you over his shoulder.

"Scotland!" You yelled.

"Shut up, (C/N)," He grumbled as he started walking away from England. You elbowed him hard in the back, but he didn't make any move to put you down.

"How dare you!? Put me the hell down! Scotland, put me down!" You screeched, kicking your legs around.

"Do ya wanna get dropped on your ass?" He growled, angrily. You jabbed him in the stomach with your foot, growling like a pissed off animal.

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