2P Canada x Reader

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Your pov

Ah, damn it, I'm so late and (F/N) is going to kill me! You thought, the sound of your (F/C) high tops slapping the pavement and your heavy breathing filling the neighborhood as you sprinted towards your friends house. You weren't exactly looking forward to having to deal with her brothers Allan and Matt. Matt being the more bearable of the two, the less of two evils. You had always thought that he was kind of cute but, he had a bad habit of being an asshole. Generally, he avoided you like the plague anymore.

As soon as you got onto the porch, you threw open the door only to be greeted with the brothers rolling on the floor fighting. Ignoring them, you walked up to (F/N)'s room. You were going to have a girls night in then an awesome girls day out the next day.

"Hey, (Y/N), I was beginning to think you forgot about me!" (F/N) laughed. You smiled sheepishly and tossed your bag onto her bed.

"I fell asleep on the couch and, well, I guess I got up later than I thought I would. By the way, your brothers are close to murdering each other again," You said, glancing back down the stairs where you could hear grunts and solid punches.

"What's new?" She asked. After that, we went down to the kitchen to get our favorite snacks, gathered nail polish from the bathroom, and grabbed a few shity movies that we were going to make fun of. You dumped a bag full of trashy teen magazines onto her bed and we went about our little ritual. As she painted your toenails (F/C), Matt walked in. He was breathing hard and he had some blood on him.

"You have to go pick up Dad at the airport," He growled at her. We rolled our eyes but, she got up and slipped on her shoes.

"Will you be okay alone with them?"(F/N) asked, worry etched onto her face.

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself," You assured her with a laugh. With that, she left to go pick up her Father, leaving you in the room with the angry Canadian. You looked him over, wondering why he just stood there, staring at you.

Matt's pov

(Y/N) sat there with big (E/C) eyes looking confused. She didn't say anything, like usual but, there was something different about this silence. She was thinking something different than normal. It was almost like she was completely spaced out, not that I cared. I mean, she's hot with a nice body, good sized boobs, and a hot ass but, there was something off about her. The fact that I felt so strange around her pissed me off.

"Uh, Matt, do you need something?" She asked, quietly. (Y/N)'s not a shy girl, she just didn't have much to say to me. My heart thumped against my ribs when my name passed her lips.

"Not really," I grumbled. She didn't move from the bed but, she shifted her weight to get closer to me.

"Okay," She said. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair fell into her eyes and she blew it away by shooting a stream of air out of the corner of her mouth. It settled back into place. "As long as you're here, would you like to watch some hockey?" She scooted over and patted the bed beside her.

"You like hockey?" I asked in disbelief. A giggled slipped from her perfect plum lips and she nodded.

"Love it. I'm captain of the girls team at school. Didn't you know that?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. I shook my head and she shrugged, flipping the game on. Just as she did, my favorite team made a goal. We both sprang up with a cry of victory. As the game progressed, I learned that she had quite a bit to say, even if it wasn't to me. "OH FUCK YOU! HE BARELY TOUCHED HIM! ARE YOU BLIND REF?" (Y/N) fell back with dissatisfied grunt. In the end, our team won by a mile.

"FUCK YEAH!" I yelled as we high fived.

"I've never heard you get so excited," She said. I shrugged.

"I don't usually," I responded.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked, flicking her (E/C) eyes towards my own. I nodded once. "Is there a reason you usually avoid me. I mean, you went out of your way to do it until just now." I swallowed thickly as he gaze stayed trained on me. I don't know, whenever I'm around her, my heart pounds and I can barely speak. Allan opened the door with his shit eating smirk on his face.

"I just happened to be eavesdropping when I heard you ask why he avoids you. That's easy, Doll Face. He thinks you're cute and he fell in love with ya, ain't that fuckin' sweet?" He said, rocking back on his heels and leaving. My face smeared red as she looked at me without much on an expression.

"You're blushing," She stated. I snored as my face got hotter.

"Quiet you," I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"So, it's true?" She asked. I nodded once, unable to read her expression. She smiled softly. "Good." She straddled my thighs and grinned at me. Her head dipped down so her lips almost touched mine.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Waiting for you to say it," She giggled. So that was it, she wanted me to tell her.

"I love you," I stated. She laughed, dipping her head all the way and connecting her lip with mine. Immediately, she took control, licking my bottom lip. I let her in and she gained dominance with ease. I have no clue why I was letting myself be dominated by her but, the more control she took, the sexier she got. Within a minute or so, she pulled back, leaving me trying to follow. She laughed and rested her forehead on mine.

"I love you too. Now, what do we tell your sister?"


Hey Kit Kats! I hope you enjoyed this. It's one a wrote before I even posted this book so, I'm sorry if it's bad. Please comment, vote, and share if you liked this story, it would help me out a lot. I love you all and I wish you the best in life!

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