Lithuania x Reader

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Your pov

You had just been taken over by Russia after a brutal fight that you weren't prepared for. Russia had launched a surprise attack on you when you were at one of your weakest points. You weren't afraid of Russia even as he dragged you into his house.

"I'm home! I have brought you a new friend to play with," Russia called. Only one person emerged though you could hear two more from somewhere. The man had long brown hair and nervous green eyes. He trembled as you locked eyes with him through your dirty, mud matted, (H/C) hair. You pushed it away from your (S/T) bloody face. He looked away from you. "Play nice or Mr. Pipe will pay you a visit."

He dropped you on the floor and walked off towards the hushed voices of the other two that you could just make out. You looked back up at the brown haired man and he came closer to you, picking you up, gently. He carried you into a bathroom and began to clean your wounds.

"I'm (C/N), call me (Y/N) if you feel more comfortable," You said as he cleaned off your face with a soft washcloth.

"I-I'm Lithuania, y-you may c-call me Toris," He said. An hour later, he finally had you put back together the best he could. You smiled tiredly at him and he offered you a nervous smile in return. "You f-fought against M-Mr. Russia very well."

"Thanks. I guess it's just because I'm not scared of him, you know," You said, leaning your back against the back of the toilet that he had sat you on. He carried you into the servant's room and laid you down in the bed closest to the wall.

"I'm truly sorry about this," He said, sadly. You smiled and shrugged. You knew life was going to be hell from here on out but, it couldn't get any worse.

~~1 month later~~

Lithuania had become your best friend. You had fallen in love with the way he had opened up around you and became someone who could laugh and crack jokes. You were happiest when you were with Lithuania, even if you were only cleaning or doing other household chores. You had notice that he was constantly sick from nerves but, you were happy to discover, he was never sick around you for long.

You were making Russia's lunch when Lithuania came into the kitchen looking sicker than you had ever seen him. He looked at you, worried. You tilted your head and some of your (H/C) bangs fell in your eyes. He sighed and sat down in the chair near the stove clutching his stomach.

"What's wrong, Toris?" You asked, looking away from the food. He looked up at you with squinted green eyes. He was in pain, lots of it.

"M-mr. Russia is in a b-bad mood," He stuttered.You sighed, looking down at your friend. He always got worried when Russia was in a mood. He always told you to steer clear of Russia on those days but, you couldn't really listen to him when Russia ordered you to make him lunch.

"Calm down, you're okay, Toris," You said, sweetly, leaning down and giving his hand a squeeze. He shook his head.

"I-I'm worried about you," He muttered. You laughed and patted his head softly. You weren't particularly worried about Russia. He hadn't laid a finger on you since you had been brought here, bad mood or otherwise.

"Don't be, I'm fine. I have to go take him his lunch," You said, putting the food on a tray and taking it up to his office.

Russia smiled at you innocently but, his eyes were open and he looked slightly crazier than usual. o smiled lightly at him and sat the tray on his desk. His dark aura radiated around you but, it didn't really phase you.

"Enjoy, Mr. Russia," You said, tipping your head to him. He smiled and stopped you as you started to walk out.

"Little (C/N), will you go get Lithuania for me?" He asked. You nodded and went back to the kitchen, telling Lithuania that Russia wanted him.

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