Bad Touch Trio x Ugly!Reader

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Your pov

Today was like any other day at Hetalia High, people avoided you or made fun of you. It had been like this since you were young, so you'd gotten used to it. You knew that you were a little homely but, you never thought that people would make your life hell for it.

It was usually three specific people, Francis, the student from France that had laughably high standards because he came from a country of beautiful women, Gilbert, the (self proclaimed) Prussian who had women falling all over him at all times, and Antonio, the boy from Spain that had midium standards but all kinds of women all over him. They were always around to let you know that you were ugly and, someday's, you were uglier than normal. Today was one of those days.

"Ah, bonjour(1), Fille moche(2)," He said from behind you. You were standing in front of your locker, ready to cry already. Your night had consisted of your Mother and Father being sent to the hospital after a particularly bad car accident and your morning had consisted of getting the call of both of them dying from their injuries.

"Francis," You greeted, quietly. You knew that he was alone for the moment but, you also knew that, that wouldn't last long.

"Francis!" Two voices called, you sighed and closed your locker. You turned, letting your greasy (H/C) hair fall into your face.

"Now, there's no need to hide, Kleine Monster(3), we already see you," Gilbert laughed, loudly. A crowd was already beginning to form around the four of you. Usually, you paid no mind to the crowd and took whatever abuse came your way but, you knew that wasn't going to happen today.

"Not today, please not today,"You whispered, softly, clutching your books to your chest. Antonio took a handful of your hair and pulled it away from your face. He then proceeded to outline your worst features.

"Come on, chica(4), we do this everyday and you're still not used to it?" He asked, smirking. You swatted his hand away from your face and stood up a bit straighter, walking into the crowd so you could get to class. Gilbert grabbed your arm and you jerked it away. Francis glared at you as you continued to walk away.

"You are not going to walk away from us, Frau(5), don't you know it's rude?" Gilbert asked in a sickly sweet tone. You knew that he was only playing with that tone, you knew he wanted to growl and slap you across the face but, he wouldn't. You assumed that even he had his limits.

"I'm not doing this today," You said, continuing to walk away.

"Fine, run away to hide the shame that is your face. I feel sorry for your mother and father for having to raise a little mutt like you," Francis said in his snide, mean voice. Something in you broke right then and you whirled around to face them, forgetting the crowd around you.

"There isn't a point in feeling sorry for them now!" You hissed

"And why is that?" Antonio asked, rolling his eyes lightly.

"Because they're dead!" You screeched, throwing your books to the floor. They stared at you in disbelief.

"I-I'm very sor-" Francis started.

"Shut the fuck up, Francis. No, you're not sorry, you're not sorry for anything but my ugliness and, you know what?" You asked. The three of them shook their heads. "I know I'm ugly! I know, trust me, I've figured it out by now! I live my life knowing that people avoid me because of the fact that I'm homely. Go ahead, say it, I'm homely, I'm ugly, I'm an eyesore! Go on, you've never held back before!"

"(Y/N), please calm down," Antonio said, holding his hands up in surrender. You glared almost evilly at them.

"Why should I? I am perpetually alone because of you three pointing out my physical flaws to everyone here! Does it occur to you that I have dreams, that I have a mind, that I have feelings that could be crushed or am I just another doll that you considered defective? I refuse to sit here anymore and take what's given to me, it's not fair!" You screamed, jabbing a slim finger at them. They stood there, not really saying anything for a moment. As the silence got longer, you began to calm down and realize that you had just had one of the biggest temper tantrums anyone at this school has ever had. Your cheeks flushed and you gathered your books up.

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