Canada x Reader ~~Part 2~~

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Your pov

Matthew had moved in with you four years ago today and you couldn't be happier. It was nice not being alone all the time, especially when your boyfriend had broken up with you. In fact, you had kind of fallen for him. You looked up from your book at him as he played with Kuma on the floor of the living room. A slow smile spread its way across your face and you giggled softly.

"Having fun?" You asked, setting the book on the table next to you. He glanced over at you with a shy smile, nodding. It felt like you two were a married couple to anyone that was spending time with you.

"W-was I bothering you, (Y/N)?" He asked, placing Kuma in his lap. You reached out a (S/T) hand and brushed it over Kuma's fur lovingly. Matt looked down at you with the same big purple eyes that you had been met with in the park. He really hadn't changed much since then. Still the same nervous mess that he had always been but, you loved him anyway.

"No. I was just going to ask you two what you wanted to do tonight," You said. Matt looked at you with a thoughtful face and shrugged.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. You tipped your head to one side allowing your messy (H/C) hair to fall into your eyes. You smirked devilishly to yourself before answering him.

"You," You responded, casually. He squeaked, entire face going red. He stuttered incoherently back at you as you tossed your head back laughing. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Well, unless you want to. I'm not opposed to it."

"(Y-Y/N)!" He squeaked, embarrassed. You clapped him on the back and giggled again. You weren't really kidding on the last part. You would do him if he was up for it, but only if he was up for it.

"That's me," You said, innocently. His mouth worked to form words that weren't there as you stared at him with sweet (E/C) eyes.

"Was that really necessary?" He asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"Just wanted all the options on the table," You giggled. He swallowed thickly, placing his hands in his lap. You watched him as he rolled his shoulders, swaying from side to side slightly.

Silence overtook the two of you for a long time after that. It was far more awkward to him than it was to you, not that you really minded his awkwardness. Leaning back, you put the back of your head against the couch cushion. It wasn't a half bad position considering it was comfortable and you could still watch Matthew's facial expressions from there. He had his decision making face on and you weren't entirely sure what that meant at the moment. He looked back at you with a face redder than it was before.

"I-I'm not sure if I would go as far as s-sex but, I wouldn't mind k-kissing, if t-that's alright with y-you," He said with a sheepish smile on his face. Your lips trembled with the force it took to hold your bubbling laugh back. It was just too adorable that he actually thought about it. You sat up and face him, still trying not to laugh.

"Kissing would be wonderful," You said with a breathy tone. Another high pitched squeak escaped his lips, obviously not expecting you to agree to it. Kuma got off of his lap and wandered off into the bedroom without making too much of a fuss.

You watched, amused, as Matthew squeezed his eyes shut. His fingers held onto the legs of his pants so tight that you thought he would put holes in them. You thought that it was impossible for his face to get any redder, but it had. You smiled, letting out a breathy laugh as you rested your cool palm against his face. One of his eyes opened into a slit before screwing back shut. You leaned up towards his lips until they almost touched.

"You don't have to be so rigid, I'm not an ax murderer, remember?" You said, hoping that it would loosen him up a bit and it did. His scrunched up shoulders dropped and he smiled a little bit.

"R-right," he said, laughing nervously.

Slowly, you moved your lips to his, as if you were trying to avoid scaring him off. At first, he was rigid and tight lipped, but once you tilted your head to the side a little bit more he warmed up. You let your fingers dance down his cheek, over his warm neck, down his shoulder and arm until you hit his hand. You traced mindless patterns on the back of it to calm him down.

Matthew slid a shaking hand up your back, letting it rest on your mid back. His other hand maneuvered to lace in fingers with yours. Eventually, he let himself fall wholeheartedly into the kiss, pulling you so you straddled his lap. You smiled against his soft lips and he smiled back. It wasn't particularly steamy or sexy, it was just a kiss. You trailed your idle hand up into his hair and twisted a little bit of it around. The two of you pulled back breathing a bit heavier than normal with smiles on your faces.

"W-would it be wrong of me to do that again?" He asked.

"Not in the slightest," You breathed, wrapping your arms around his neck and connecting your lips again.

~~Time Skip of an hour~~

You were sprawled on the couch with Matt sitting beside your head on the floor. He hadn't said a thing for an hour now and you were a little worried. Questions ran through your mind; had you pushed him into this? Did he not like it? Did you take advantage of him? He did ask if he could kiss you again so, he probably liked it just fine.

"Hey, Matt?" You said softly. His eyes shifted towards you but he didn't say anything. "Did I push you into that? I mean, did you not like it or something?"

"What? No! You didn't push at all and I really liked it," He admitted with a pink face, "It's just, I don't know, I really liked it."

"Really?" You asked. He nodded and you smiled.

"It didn't really help with the fact that I've been trying to convince myself that my feelings for you are completely platonic," He muttered, wringing his hands nervously. You giggled and turned his head so he was looking at you.

"Well, my feelings for you aren't quite completely platonic anymore either, you know. I really like you Matthew," You said. Your voice was soft and airy as you spoke to him. He smiled shyly and pulled you off the couch into his arms.

"That's a relief," He sighed, holding you close to his chest. Suddenly, something hit you, you realized that it was his birthday today. You rested your chin on his chest and grinned up at him in a child like manner. "What?"

"Happy Birthday," You whispered. He returned your child like grin.

"Thank you," He whispered back, kissing you lightly.


Hey Kit Kats! Guess who's back from the dead and on Spring Break! I know it's been forever but I'm a busy woman (I'm also lazy but we won't talk about that).

Anyways this is for @Forgotten-Girl-12 I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know in the comments, girlfriend. Please vote and share this story if you liked it and I'll try to update more while I have the time!

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