England x Reader

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Your pov

America had invited you over along with England to, well, you didn't know. He didn't specify what you were doing, he just asked you to come over. America didn't really bother to tell you that he wasn't going to be home until eight o'clock tonight so, when you walked in the door, you were surprised to see England sitting alone on the couch.

"There you are, you bloody... Oh, (C/N), what are you doing here?" England said as you walked in. You sat your purse on the table near the front door and tossed your coat over England's.

"America told me to come over for dinner at six. I'll assume that's why you're here," You said, smiling a little. You didn't really spend a lot of time alone with him these days. When you two were pirates, you were attached at the hip. Those days were long gone and they left you with a hella awkward relationship with England.

"Yes, you are entirely correct. He didn't happen to mention to me that you were going to be here, not that I'm not happy to see you," He said, turning to face you on the couch. You plopped down next to him at arm's length, with the hope that you would begin to relax around on another.

"Yeah, he didn't say anything about you either. It is nice to see you though, England," You said, shifting a little. He gave you an awkward, tight lipped smile in response.

"I wonder when the git's actually going to show up. I swear, he's late to everything," England muttered. You giggled, lightly. England was right, America was, is, and always will be late to everything.

"Uh, why don't I give him a call? See when he'll be here," You said, grabbing your cell out of the pocket of your (F/C) sweatshirt. England nodded, sitting back into the couch and crossing his legs. As you listened to the phone ring, you studied England. He wasn't much different than he used to be. Same messy, blond hair, piercing emerald eyes, dramatic eyebrows, and slim build. The only thing missing would be the pirate get up and the earring he used to have. Finally, America picked up.

"Yo, Dudette! How goes it?" He asked, loudly. To him, he sounded like a normal human being. To you, he was shouting. You held the phone away from your ear in attempt to save what was left of your hearing in that ear. You quietly excused yourself so he wouldn't bother England with his shouting.

"Where the hell are you? You told me to be here at six!" You snapped, walking into the kitchen.

"I got called into an emergency meeting with, Boss Man. The Hero's on a break," He said, cheerfully. You rolled your (E/C) eyes so hard you swore America could hear it.

"So, you want to reschedule dinner?" You asked. He laughed, once again making you tear the phone away from your ear as quickly as you could.

"Nah, I'll be home soon! This gives you some alone time with, Iggy, so I figured you'd like it," He said in a 'heroic' voice.

"What are you talking about? England and I haven't talked in ages, America. You didn't even tell me he was going to be here," You groaned. If you had known he was going to be here, you would have dressed a little nicer. Not that you minded the hoodie and jeans, but you always felt really underdressed around him.

"Well, I know he's going to enjoy the alone time. Iggy's crushing on you hardcore, bro," America said with a laugh.


"Oh crap, you weren't supposed to know that, (C/N). Just pretend I didn't say anything. I've got to go back to my meeting! A hero's work is never done!" He yelled. Before you could say anything else, he hung up. You stared down at your phone wondering if it was true. If it was, how the hell were you supposed to pretend you didn't know? You walked back into the living room and sat down.

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