Latvia x Reader ~Part 1~

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Your pov

You shuffled your feet on Russia's doorstep where England had left you. Yes, your big brother had sold you off to someone who would probably be horrible to you and he hadn't even batted an eyelash. With a small, shaking hand, you knocked on the door. Russia himself answered it and gave you an almost friendly smile. You swallowed thickly and pushed your hair behind your ear.

"Hello, Mr. Russia," You said, quietly. He stared down at you and raised an eyebrow. You stared back up at him with fear.

"Здравствуйте(1). You are (C/N)?" He asked. You nodded, rubbing your bare arms in a feeble attempt to stay warm against the freezing Russian winter. Russia noticed and brought you inside, which you were thankful for. "You are being much younger than I was expecting."

"I'm sorry?" You apologized, although it came out as more of a question. Russia chuckled lightly and patted you on the head. To be honest, it hurt, but you weren't about to say anything about it.

"Well, Sunflower, how old are you?" He asked.

"Fifteen," You said, tugging at a strand of (H/C) hair, not making eye contact with him. You looked off towards the doorway where you could see a small head of blond hair peeking around the corner. It was a boy about your age, watching you as Russia thought about what to do with you.

"You will just be a maid then, da," He said, making you jump then shiver. What the hell had he been planning to do with me before he figured out how old I was? You thought.

"Yes, Mr. Russia," You said. With that he dismissed you, telling you to explore the house a bit so you could figure out where you would be going while you cleaned. You did as you were told and within ten minutes, you were hopelessly lost.

"Excuse me. Miss?" A voice said from behind you. You turned to find the boy from earlier look back at you. He was taller than you, though not by much, with golden blond hair and vibrant blue eyes. He was shivering. "Are you lost?"

"Yeah, kind of. I'm (C/N) but, you can call me (Y/N), if you like," You said as he lead you down a series of hallways.

"I'm Latvia, you can call me Raivis," He said. You smiled at him lightly and both of you remained silent until you reached the kitchen, where you parted ways. Later that night, he showed you to the servants quarters. As you laid down to sleep, you worried about what would become of you.


It's been one year since you were forced to live with Russia and, surprisingly, you didn't mind it. You had become very attached to all the Baltics in this time. Lithuania was like you big brother, Estonia was like Father figure for you, and Latvia had become your best friend. Over this time, you had turned sixteen and fallen in love with Raivis. Lithuania was the only one that knew and he swore not to tell anyone else but, Russia figured it out on his own.

"Little (C/N), I will be seeing you in my office in a minute, da?" Russia said behind you while you and Lithuania were doing the dishes after dinner. You glanced at Lithuania and he looked sick as a dog.

"Go on, (C/N). Try not to keep him waiting, I can finish the dishes on my own," He said. You nodded, dried your hands and walked into Russia's office nervously.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Russia?" You asked shakily. He smiled lightly at you and asked you to pour him some vodka. You did as you were told and sat it on his desk.

"Well, my little (C/N), you will be putting on a show for me," He said, laughing a bit. You tilted your head in confusion.

"Show?" You asked. He nodded.

"With Latvia," He said, calling for your friend. He walked in looking more shaken up than ever. Something told you he knew that this was coming. When he made eye contact with you, he looked even more terrified by what was going to happen.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Raivis stuttered, staring at you. You smiled a little bit and waved. "Mr. Russia, do I have to?" Russia nodded.

"Do what?" You asked. Before you could actually figure out what was going on, Raivis' lips were on yours. You stood motionless, not responding to what was going on. When he pulled back and laid a hand on your cheek you snapped back into reality. "We're not having sex, right?"

"No, nothing like that little one," Russia said with a smirk. You shivered and looked at Raivis, hoping for an answer to what was actually going on here.

"Mr. Russia wants entertainment, that would be us embarrassed," He said, lightly stroking your cheek with his thumb. Your face reddened a bit as he made this gesture. It seemed so affectionate and strange coming from him, especially since you were fairly sure that he didn't like you the way you liked him.

"This is how you chose to go about things?" You grumbled, pressing one cold hand to your hot cheek. It was now his turn to blush. The blond looked down and shuffled his feet a bit, not looking up at you for anything.

"W-well, I guess this is as good a time as any to tell you, though this isn't really how I pictured it," He mumbled, face going redder by the second and Russia's face of amusement grew as Ravis seemed to get shyer and shyer.

"Tell me what?" You mumbled, pulling his face you so you could look him in the eyes. He glanced over at Russia like he was expecting mercy but, Russia waved his hand as a signal for him to keep going. He shuffled his feet again and rubbed his hands on his pants.

"I, um, I-I love you," He muttered but, sadly, the words were lost somewhere in the space between the both of you. You tilted you head.

"What was that?" You asked, feeling bad for making him repeat himself.

"Iloveyou," He mumbled quickly. Once again, you didn't hear a word he said. You gave him an apologetic look.

"One more time?" You asked. From the tips of his ears down to where you lost sight of his skin i his shirt turned bright red, like he had been left outside for just long enough to freeze, but not to the point where his lips were blue.

"I LOVE YOU!" He yelled at a surprising volume. You fell back, landing on your butt just in front of Russia's desk. Russia laughed loudly with a snort here and there. You stared up at Raivis, though it wasn't for long as he threw open the door and took off down the hallway. You stared at the door as it closed. Russia looked down at you with a smile.

"You better go find him, little (C/N)," He said. That is exactly what you planned to do.


Hey Kit Kats! I'm so sorry that I've been so crap at updating but, school is a pain in the ass. I hope that you liked this story, part 2 will be up as soon as possible. Please vote, comment, and share this story is you liked it! I love you all and wish you the best in life!


1) Здравствуйте: Hello

I'm sorry if this is wrong, I got it off of Google Translate.

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