Romano x Reader

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Your pov

    Rain plastered (H/L) hair to your face as you ran towards Romano's house. You just wanted to get away from everything and, even though he was rude and annoying, Romano was the best person to go to. You hadn't planned on your night going this way but, shit happens.


You had gotten off of work at the dinner early to surprise your boyfriend on your anniversary. You rushed home, thinking of what he might have planned for it. You grinned at your own thoughts of flowers, chocolates, or a romantic diner date. Once you got home, you rushed inside to see him. When you got inside, there was no one there.

Strange, you thought, (Bf/N) is usually sitting on the couch watching TV when I get home. Something caught your ear, a bump in your bedroom. Unless the cat got locked in there, there was nothing in there. A voice hit your ears even though you couldn't make out what it said. Deciding to go investigate, you threw open your bedroom door to see (Bf/N) and (BFF/N) fucking, in your bed.

"You're home early," (BF/N) said. Tears started to well up in the corners of your eyes but, you refused to cry right now. After they leave, you'd bawl your eyes out, not now.

"I was going to surprise you for our anniversary. What the hell, (BF/N)? Was I not enough for you?" You growled. He smiled at you.

"No, (Y/N), you weren't. Actually, (BFF/N) and  were dating the whole time we were. We just wanted to see how long it would be before you figured it out," he laughed. (BFF/N) laughed to and you turned on your heal and left.

~~Flashback over~~

    Now you stood at Romano's door, tears streaming down your (S/T) face. Romano opened the door with his usual angry look but it softened the second he saw you drenched and in tears on his door step.

    "(Y/N), get in here, you're going to get sick! What happened?" He asked, taking your hand and guiding you inside. You hiccuped and wiped at your eyes.

    "(BF/N)," you sobbed out, latching onto him. He jumped at the sudden contact but lead you inside to the couch where he gave you a thick blanket to wrap yourself in.

    "What did he do, bella?" he asked. You sniffled and rubbed at your already red eyes.

    "H-he's been cheating on me w-with (BFF/N) this whole time. I-I wasn't good enough f-for him," you cried.

    "That bastard! How dare he cheat on such a bella(1) ragazza(2) with puttana(3)  like her? He didn't deserve you (Y/N). Vorrei che meritavo una ragazza come te(4)." He yelled. After the last thing he said, his face went red and he covered his mouth. You didn't speak Italian so you had no clue what was so weird about what he just said.

    "W-what does that mean?" you asked, sniffing. His face continued to redden and you giggle weakly, thinking he looked like a tiny little tomato with an angry face drawn on it.

    "Nothing, it doesn't matter," he grumbled, sitting down next to you. You sighed, leaning your sopping wet head against his shoulder, (H/C) hair fell over it in clumps.

No one's pov

    "Well, whatever. Roma, I think I need to pick better boyfriends," You said, staring out at his living room. Romano glanced down at you but you didn't notice. Slowly, he wrapped his arm around the (E/C) eyed girls shoulders and brought you closer to him, his face becoming redder by the second as you turned your, still sad eyes up to his face. He noticed how beautiful you looked even when you were drenched in rain and reminded him a bit of a wet mouse.

    "Si, you do," He said, looking down at you. It was now or never, he had to tell you how he felt, how he'd always felt about you. You were right there, cuddled into him, your big (E/C) eyes gazing at his own green ones.

    "Have anyone in mind?" you asked, quietly, "I could really go for some cuddles and kisses right now."

    "W-well, I might know someone," He said, looking away from the (H/C) haired girl.

    "Oh yeah? Who?" you asked with a spark of hope in your voice. You tilted your head waiting for an answer from the grumpy Italian.

    "M-me. Ti amo, (F/N) (L/N)," he mumbled looking away from you. You smiled, even though it was just a ghost of a smile, it was still a smile.

    "Ti amo, Romano," you said with a little giggle.

    "Lovino," he said, not looking at you. You tilted your head, he'd never told you to call him by his human name before.

    "Ti amo, Lo-vin-o," you said, breaking up his name to make it roll off your tongue in a seductive way. With that, he turned, grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you. The kiss was short lived and afterwords he got up and hid in his room for a little while but, you loved it. You were happy with your new Italian boyfriend. Now you just had to convince him to tell you what he said earlier.


Yay! I finished another one! I know it's not the best but I'll try and do better in the future. Comment and give me some requests my little Kit Kats!

I got the translations off of google so I'm sorry if they're wrong.


1)Bella: Beautiful

2)Ragazza: girl

3)Puttana: whore

4)Vorrei che meritavo una ragazza come te: I wish I deserved a girl like you

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