Drunk! UK Bros x Sister! Reader

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Your pov

You glanced at the clock, the bartender should be calling in twenty minutes or so. That gives you just enough time to finish the chapter in your book and get your things together, so you were ready to hop in the car and grab them. Just as you had predicted, the phone rang just after you finished lacing up your shoes.

"I'm on my way, Jonathan," You said, calmly.

"Were you waiting for me to call?" He asked. You laughed, getting into the car.

"Of course. I've been able to time these calls since I was fourteen," You said. It was true, the timing thing. You'd been dragging your brothers drunk asses home since you were ten years old and it was always the same old bartender when you got there. You remember the first time you ever did it.


You stared up at the sign on the pub and, as a terrified ten year old, you almost cried. It was pouring down rain, there wasn't anybody you could get a hold of at two a.m., and it's not like you could you could drive. You took an umbrella and you little red wagon and made the cold, half hour trek to the bar. You took a deep breath and walked in. Immediately, you were punched in the face by the smell of alcohol.

"E-Excuse me, sir," You yelled over the music to the bar tender. He was a young man, maybe just thirty, with a full beard and tattoos that kinda intimidated you.

"What's someone as small as you doing in a bar so late? Are you lost, dear?" He asked. You shook your head.

"I-I'm here to get my b-big brothers," You said, forcing as much confidence as you could. The man gave you an odd look before realization overtook his features. Then a look of pity crossed his face as he looked over at your brothers, all in a group. The youngest of your older brothers, Arthur, had just turned 18 so he was just now legal to drink. Up until this point, he'd been getting your other brothers.

"Please don't tell me that the, Kirklands, belong to you," He said with a halfway desperate look on his face.

"That's them," You said, pointing to the group.

"You poor child. How do you intend to get them home?" He asked.

"I-I have my wagon," You sputtered. He smiled, faintly and called your brothers over. You knew two of them could fit in the wagon, maybe three if they squeezed. The odd one out would have to walk with you. They made their way over and Arthur grinned at you.

"(Y/N)!" He crooned.

"Hi, Arthur," You mumbled, taking his hand. You looked at the other three, wondering who might be the drunkest. "It's time to go home, big brothers." Scotland looked down at you with the meanest look you'd ever seen on his face.

"Are ya gonna make us?" He growled. You flinched and looked back at the bartender for help.

"Oi, Allistor! Lay off the little bird, she walked all the way here to get you, you know," He snapped. The oldest grumbled, but followed you obediently, along with the other three. Arthur, Seamus, and Dylan all rode in the wagon as you walked with, Allistor. The walk back was miserable and freezing because they had the umbrella. Needless to say, you were sick as a dog the next day.

~~End flashback~~

When you pulled into the parking lot, Jonathan was already waiting for you. He only did that when things were really bad. God only knows what those drunken idiots did. He gave you the same smile full of pity as you walked up to him.

"Happy 18th, (Y/N)" He said. That's right, it was your birthday. You never really cared about birthdays since you were always stuck being their babysitter. It was nice that he remembered. You smiled, softly.

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