Norway x Mute! Reader

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Your pov

Life was a pain in the neck. Literally. The surgery you had on your vocal cords did not go over as well as you'd hoped it would. You were stuck in an all too quiet world that you hoped you'd never have to experience. On the bright side, you had Lukas. He made everything much more bearable. He became your voice when you needed it, even though he hated speaking in large groups. It felt like the two of you fell deeper and deeper in love after you lost your voice.

"What?" Lukas asked. You shook your head, realizing that you had been staring.

"Nothing" You thought, smiling lightly at him.

"You're spacing out again, vakker(1)," He said. You shrugged as you patted his hand. He brushed his hand across your cheekbone with a feather light touch that you had grown so used to. You turned your head and kissed this fingers before nuzzling his hand. He gave you a small, adoring smile as a response.

"I love you," You thought, tenderness in your eyes.

"jeg elsker deg og(2)," He said. His hand cupped your cheek, which was slowly becoming warmer to the touch, rubbing only his thumb across the very top of your cheekbone. That was something that always got you. You felt safe when he did that and, since he was a man of few words, you knew that the action truly meant that he loved you. In that moment, both of you felt at peace. You brushed your lips against his and he got the hint, kissing you back. Here was one of the few things you really didn't need words for.

Lips brushed over one another softly. His tongue grazed your bottom lip and you opened happily. It wasn't so much a battle for dominance as it was a dance. Your tongues swirled around each other in a complicated tango. Your fingers danced across his shoulders and pushed up into his hair. His fingers cascaded down your sides, rubbing back and forth. You felt yourself smile into the kiss. Knowing that he wasn't usually so affectionate, this whole thing made you giddy. When your noses bumped together, you both pulled back. It felt nice to just hold one another.

You weren't sure how long you stayed like that. It might have been hours, it might have been minutes. Time didn't mean much when everything felt like this. Peaceful. Your (E/C) eyes blinked slowly as you admired Lukas. His expression had softened from his usual dead look into one of tender admiration. His violet eyes were glimmering with love and his soft lips were quirked up into a small smile. This was the extent of his general facial expressions and nothing made you feel more special than being the one it was directed at.

"I love you. I wish I could actually say it," You thought. Your expression must have dropped slightly because he moved his fingers under your chin, silently asking you to look at him. You did.

"You don't have to say anything. I know," He said. He pressed his lips to your forehead briefly before looking back into your eyes.

"I want to say it though," You thought, lips angling down slightly. Lukas frowned a little and sighed.

"I wish I were as good with words as you were," He said, rubbing the back of his neck. You smiled sympathetically and rubbed his back. You wanted to be able to comfort him the way you used to. You wanted to sing to him until he felt better, but you coudn't. As soon as that thought crossed your mind, so did another. You popped up off the couch and gave him the 'one minute' sign. As confused as he looked, he nodded.

With that, you took off to the bedroom and started to sort through a box of things. It was stuff that you'd thrown in there over time and you distinctly remembered throwing a CD that you'd made him a while back in there. Grinning when you pulled it out, you trotted back to the living room and handed it to him.

"What?" He asked.

"Play it, dumb ass," You thought, giving him a look. He looked down at the unmarked CD for a second before he popped it into the stereo. When your voice filled the room, you smiled and started to lip sync. His mouth twitched a little.

There was something overwhelming to the both of you hearing your voice again. A mix of emotions seized you. Happiness because you remembered how often you used to sing to Lukas and, seeing the look on his face, he did too. Despair because you knew that you'd never sing again. Then calm because you realized that, even though you couldn't say anything, you and Lukas had been closer than ever. Glancing over, it occurred to you that he was feeling the same thing. Smiling, you reached over and took his hand.

"I would give you your voice back if I could," He whispered, tucking a strand of (H/C) hair behind your ear. You smiled fondly at him.

"I know," You thought, squeezing his hand. He snorted a small laugh and your raised an eyebrow.

"You haven't changed," He said. You raised your eyebrow a little higher. "You always made faces when you spoke, now you just do it without words."

"Shut up," You thought, narrowing your eyes. He just wrapped an arm around you and pulled your head to his shoulder. Smiling, you closed your eyes and leaned into him. Sure, it was a pain in the ass sometimes, but being quiet wasn't so bad. Not with with Lukas around to love and to love you.


Hey Kit Kats! This story is for louiesrella, I hope that you liked it! I'm sorry that this took 45 years to be posted. I still have trouble writing for Norway even though I love him. If you liked this story let me know in the comments. Don't forget to vote and share this story because it would make me happy. I love you all and wish you the best in life!


1)Vakker- Beautiful

2)Jeg d deg og- I love you too

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