2P France x Reader

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Your pov

Oliver had set you up on a date with his roommate, Francois. He said something about him needing to get out of the house to do something other than get alcohol. You didn't really care because you got to go on a date with him. You always liked Francois even though he smelled like stale cigarettes and acted like an asshole most of the time. He wasn't really a bad guy when it came right down to it.

The date was at seven and you had to shower and get dressed. You had plenty of time seeing as it was only four thirty. You smiled as you hopped in the shower, soaping up you hair with your (Fave. scent) shampoo and your body with (2nd Fave. scent) body wash. When you got out, you began searching through your mess of a closet for something to wear. After a few minutes, you found a (F/C) dress that cut off just above the knees. It had some lace up near the neck and around the bottom. It was perfect in every way as it hugged your curves beautifully.

As soon as you got your clothing sorted out, you went back into the bathroom and applied a light (F/C) eyeshadow that made your (E/C) eyes pop along with some clear lip gloss to make your lips look moist and full. When your makeup was finished, you twisted your (H/L) (H/C) hair into a french braid. You giggled a bit at your choice in hair styles, I mean, you were going on a date with (2P) France and you decided on a french braid. Soon, Francois was there to pick you up.

"Bonjour(1), (Y/N)," He grumbled, offering you a black rose. Not the most romantic but, it was something.

"Hello, Francois," You chirped, happily, "So, where are we going?" He moved out of your way and motioned to his car. You smiled at him and jumped in without any thought. You trusted that he wouldn't try anything.

"What do you want to do?" He asked, lighting a cigarette. You hummed in thought for a minute before getting, what you thought was, a good idea.

"Why don't we just go for a walk in the park? I know you don't really like having to deal with people, including myself, and there won't be a lot of people there at this time of night," You said, glancing at him. He didn't look at you but, he nodded. With a grunt, he pulled out of your driveway and was off towards the park near by.

"So, all you want to do is go for a walk?" He grumbled once you got there. You blushed lightly and turned your eyes down to your lap with a shrug. You could feel him staring at you but, you just got out of the car.

"We'll just see what happens while we're here," You mumbled. You had been actually excited to go on this date and, now you almost wanted to go home. You weren't going to give up this easily though.

"Fine," He muttered, walking ahead of you. His voice had lost its usual growl momentarily and it was smooth, actually very nice. You smiled a little bit and jogged to keep up with him. A few minutes into it, neither one of you had said anything and you were still half jogging to keep up with his pace. To slow him down, you grabbed his hand. He stopped completely and looked back at you with half surprised violet eyes.

"You were walking really fast," you said, dropping his hand. He quickly grabbed yours again and you jumped, not expecting him to hold your hand. He wasn't looking at you but, you smiled at him anyway.

It was actually pretty cold out at the moment and you shivered a bit. He glanced over at you and pulled his coat off and dropped it around your shoulders. All the way through the date, he made somewhat awkward movements. It was really weird to see him like this, he was usually so calm and good with women. He must have gotten cold without his coat as he dragged you, a bit forcefully, into a cute little cafe.

"I'll get you something to drink," He said. He hadn't even asked what you wanted but, it didn't really matter. As he came back, he stumbled and dumped both of your drinks all over you. That was the last straw, you burst out laughing. You had been trying not to laugh at him all night because of his mini awkward moments but, this was too funny (even if you were dripping wet and possibly a little burned). People were staring and he was actually blushing a bit.

"Are you alright?" He asked, quietly in his growlish voice. This only caused you to laugh harder for another for a few minutes. He looked pissed and embarrassed at the same time and you looked at him with a stupid grin on your face.

"Are you alright?" You asked, "You've been like this all night." He stared up at you and scrambled off the ground. Yep, there was something up with him. You creased your brow and reached across the table, resting your (S/T) hand on his.

"I'm fine, let's just go," He growled, getting up. You smiled and got up as well, pulling his coat around you. As you walked back towards the car, you glanced at him and he was still slightly pink in the face. He was never like this. You reached over and held his hand and he got a bit pinker.

"Hey, Francois, is there something bothering you?" You asked, stopping in the middle of the path. You stood in front of him, looking up with sweet (E/C) eyes. He looked down and off to the side, avoiding your gaze.

"I'm not usually like this," he mumbled. That's when it all clicked together, he was actually nervous around you. That hit your heart like a truck and you started to blush like he had at the cafe. Your little pout was replaced by a huge, goofy grin.

"I make you nervous?" You asked. He stared down at you and rubbed the back of his neck. After a few seconds, he gave you a small nod. You giggled and threw your arms around him in a hug. "That's so cute but, you don't have to be. It's just me, like any other day."

"If it were any other day, I wouldn't do this," He mumbled with forced confidence. With that, he kissed you. Your lips molded together perfectly but, you knew that he wasn't one for love. You went with it anyway and kissed back. When you pulled apart, he gave you, what might have been, a smile. It was really more of a smirk. "I think I can deal with loving you."

"Je t'aime aussi(2), you fucking asshole," you muttered.


Hey Kit Kats! I hope that you liked this one. I thought that I would give 2P France a softer side, you know. I'm sorry if it seems a bit rushed but, I really wanted to get this done before I left to go to a friends house. Please comment, vote, and share! I know that the picture is 1P France but, it fits with the story. I love you all and wish you the best in life!


1) Bonjour: Hello

2) Je t'aime aussi: I love you too

I got these from google translate, sorry if they are wrong.

P.S. I need requests! Please leave them in the comments of this chapter or in my inbox. Thanks ^_^

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