France x Reader

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France's pov

Another day, another round of insults being tossed my way. I try to act like it doesn't bother me but,it hurts to hear people whispering about me when I walk past them. I pretend that people telling me I'm a pervert and a playboy doesn't really effect me but, if I'm going to tell the truth, it does. I heard that there was a new girl starting today at (High school name) so, maybe I'll finally find someone that won't read into what others are saying.

As I walked down the hallway with my friends, Antonio and Gilbert, people gave me strange glances and whispered the occasional rumor that they knew I could hear. I kept my head up and acted like I didn't care. Antonio and Gilbert split away from me as they went to their own classes. I found myself not really paying attention to where I was going. I ran into a girl with long blond hair and icy blue eyes (sorry if you are blond haired or blue eyed.


"I'm sorry, belle(1), I didn't see you there," I said, staying as calm as possible. I reached my hand out to help her up but she only let out another chorus of screams. A circle started to form around us as she continued to yell rape. Most looked angry but there was one girl on the very edge of the circle that seemed confused. She had (H/L) (H/C) hair that framed her (S/T) face perfectly. Her (E/C) eyes were squinted in confusion and her nose was wrinkled. We made eye contact for a second before she got thrown behind someone.

"Looks like the rapist has his eye on the new girl!" the guy who had pushed the (E/C) eyed girl behind him yelled. I backed away, shaking my head slightly. I could see her eyes peering over his shoulder at me.

"Why don't you just get the hell out of here? You've done enough for today!" someone yelled and I bolted for the nearest door. That door just so happened to lead to the roof, at least no one would bother me here. A few tears slipped down my cheeks as I stared off the top at the school grounds below. I never did anything to anyone so I don't understand why everyone gets so upset at me. Just then, the door slammed, breaking me out of my thoughts. I didn't bother to turn around to see who it was.

"Hey, are you alright?" A female voice asked, concerned.

"Oui, I'm fine," I sniffled, sitting on the ledge. The girl sat down next to me and I realized that I was the new girl.

"You're crying," she said softly, running a thin finger under my eye lightly to catch the tears that continued to fall. I flinched at the touch and she puled her hand back a bit. "Is that, like, a normal thing?"

"Oui, but, it's alright, I'm used to it,"I mumbled, pulling my knees up and wrapping my arms around them.

"No, it's not alright, they shouldn't do that. It's bullshit," she snapped, hitting her fist against her thigh. I glanced over at her, her (S/T) face shinning in the morning sunlight like an angel. "Oh, uh, I'm (Y/N), if you wanted to know."

"Francis," I muttered, facing her fully. She grinned at me like I had just made her the happiest girl in the world for some reason.

"You know what, Francis?" She asked.

"What?" I asked. She giggled.

"I think you should walk back down there with your head held high and you middle fingers even higher, who gives a shit what they think? You know the truth so, who cares? You're not a complete pervert, are you?" She laughed. I shook my head with a little bit of a smile.

"I like your smile," she announced, happily, hoping onto the roof away from where I was sitting. I felt my face grow warm at the compliment. It had been a while since someone had sincerely complimented me on anything.

"T-thank you," I said. She laughed a bit and held her hand out to me, which I took.

"Come on, Francis, lets get out of here and go get some ice cream, you look like you need it," she said. With that, she lead me down to the courtyard and to her (fave. car).

~~Time skip~~

After we stopped at a nice little ice cream shop, we went for a walk around the park. She pulled me to a grassy area and flopped down on her back. For an hour or two, we pointed out clouds that we thought looked like animals or shapes or whatever we wanted.

"Francis, I think we're going to get along quite well," she said. I nodded in agreement.

"I think so to," I replied. That's where we stayed for the rest of the day, laying in the park and laughing at stupid things. I was happy that I could get someone to look past all of the things that made people hate me.
Hey Kit Kats! Let me know in the comments of you want a part two!

(1) belle: beautiful

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