Insecure! Romano x Reader

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Your pov

Lovino had been acting weird for a while. He stayed at your side almost constantly, but there was a wedge being driven between you. He was distant and sad, but he wouldn't tell you about it. As his girlfriend, you were really starting to worry. You'd never really seen him in any other moods other than mildly annoyed or totally loving.

Tonight, just like any other night, you two laid in bed, but you were not wrapped around each other. He was on the other side of the bed with his back facing you. Nither one of you spoke, making the silence deafening. You turned over, looking at his back. He was curled into himself, not spread eagle like usual. The other odd thing was that he wasn't sleeping naked. You had become accustomed to feeling his bare skin against you while you cuddled. Sighing, you shifted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Lovino? Are you still awake?" You asked, quietly.

"No," He grumbled, curling closer to himself and shoving your arm away. Honestly, you were more than a little worried.

"Okay, we need to talk," You said, sitting up. The blankets pooled around your hips, leaving the upper part of you totally bare. Nudity didn't really bother either one of you anymore even though it had at first.

"Not at twelve thirty, ragazza(1)," He mumbled.

"Yes, at twelve thirty, ragazzo(2)," You said, shaking him a little. You were almost hoping that he would get mad at you like he usually did or pull you against him and force you to shut up. He sighed, still not looking at you.

"What's so important that you have to keep me up?" He asked. You fiddled with your fingers, trying to think of a way to put this gently.

"I'm worried, Lovi. You've been so distant lately and I don't understand why. Is everything okay?" You asked, softly. Your voice was gently prodding him. You loved him and you really hated to see him seem so sad. His fingers gripped the blankets tighter and pulled his knees to his chest. Worried that you'd said something wrong, you shifted away and apologized, running your fingers through your messy (H/C) hair.

"Don't apologize and it doesn't matter," He snapped. At this point, he was on the edge of the bed and as far away as he could get from you without leaving. You decided that it was easier to just drop it. If he didn't want to tell you, he wasn't going to. You knew that, once he made up his mind, there just wasn't any changing it. You turned over so you back faced his and pulled the blankets around your shoulders.

"Good night," You mumbled. The silence once again fell over the two of you. This time it was him who broke it.

"You still love me, right?" He asked.

"Of course I love you, Lovino. I always will," You said, worry evident in your voice.

"Sure," He said, bitterly. You sat up again and shifted closer to him. Your wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling the back of his neck. The hair there tickled your nose and cheeks, but it was comforting.

"You don't believe me?" You asked.

"No," He snapped. You kissed the back of his neck, softly. His body tensed up a little as a shiver ran through him. He loved having you kiss his neck more than he'd care to admit, but you knew. You pulled on his shoulder slightly and he turned over with no resistance. His face was a light pink and he looked like he was holding back tears.

"Oh, Lovi~" You said, softly. You brushed his bangs out of his face and caressed his cheek. "Please tell me what's wrong."

"I'm not good enough for you," He whispered. His snappy tone was there, but his usual volume was gone.

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