England x Reader

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Your pov

You walked up the steps to your best friend England's house, dragging America behind you as he whined. He could be such a baby about going to England's for diner. He acted like it would kill him to be there, even if he didn't eat anything. You always ate England's food, no matter how bad it was, you choked it down because you didn't want to hurt his feelings. You two had been friends for so long, since France started picking on him actually. Just as you knocked on the door, a screeching alarm went off inside. America took a large breath and looked at you in a terrified manner. Even you were a bit afraid to see what had happened this time. England brought both of you inside in no time but there was a load of black smoke pouring from the kitchen. America took off and sat in the dinning room so he would't have to deal with the unholy mess that the kitchen would be.

"Uh, England, do you want some help, getting all the smoke out?" you asked, picking up a dish towel and opening the kitchen window. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly and nodded. After fanning most of the smoke out, you stared at the oven wondering if whatever was in there was planning to kill you. England smiled at you.

"Why don't you go sit down, love," he said, calmly. You nodded but, to be honest, you thought that whatever England had tried to make was going to kill you this time. The second you parked yourself in a seat, America stood up with his trademark hero grin.

"I've gotta go, bro! Bosses orders!" he yelled in his, self proclaimed, hero voice. He's just lying so he won't have to eat here, you thought angrily, jerk. He laughed and disappeared with the slam of the front door. England walked out with a try of chard something in his hands.

"Where did America go?" He asked, tilting his head.

"His boss needed him for something so, I guess it's just you and I tonight," you said with a grin. You then noticed a smear of red running across his cheeks but you brushed it off thinking it was from running around attempting not to set anything on fire.

England's pov

That bloody git! He promised that he wouldn't leave me alone with her. How in gods name are you supposed to act around the woman you love? My heart pounded against my ribs like it was going to explode out of my chest as she smiled at me a little bit. (Y/N) is such a beautiful girl but she's also my best friend so, I can't be in love with her. It would make her uncomfortable if she knew how I felt and surly she wouldn't return my feelings.

"Uh, Iggy, what are those?" she asked, pointing to the tray.

"They're scones," I mumbled, setting the tray next to her. Carefully, (Y/N) picked one up and scrapped off the black coating before taking a bite.

"You know, once the black shit gets scraped off, they aren't so bad," (Y/N) said, looking up at me through her bangs. Her (E/C) eyes twinkled and her (H/L) hair fell in her face. She's utterly adorable and it's going to be the death of me.

"Is that so?" She nodded to me. She was being so nice, even though my cooking isn't the best. I felt myself get a bit red in the face. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Iggy, you feeling okay? You're really red, are you sick?" she asked, worried.

"I-I'm fine, love," I stuttered out. She sat me down in the chair next to her, looking me directly in the face. God's testing me, I can feel it.

"Arthur, you are clearly not fine so, spill, what's up?" she asked, crossing her arms. As she did so her shirt pulled down and allowed cleavage to spill out of her low cut shirt. I looked anywhere but at her.

"N-nothing, pull up your shirt." (Y/N) glanced down, pink crawling across her (S/T) cheeks as she jerked her shirt back into place.

"Heh, s-sorry," she giggled awkwardly. I waved my hand to dismiss her apology. It was nice to know she was just as awkward as me sometimes.

"Don't worry. Can I tell you something?" I asked. I'm going to regret this in the morning but, I have to tell her. I want her, she's just too damn cute when she blushes.

"Anything, Iggy."

"Well, uh, I just wanted to say that, um, I..." I couldn't make myself spit it out but she smiled in her unique but perfect way, leaned forward and planted her lips on mine. She pulled back and giggled a bit.

"I love you too, Arthur."


Whoa two in one day! I'm proud of myself even if I'm only really writing these for myself. I hope that you crazy little Kit Kats enjoy them though.

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