2p Germany x Shy!Reader

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Your pov

You were too smart for your own good and a bit on the shy side so when your english teacher said they were beginning partner projects, you got a bit worried. You had always preferred to work by yourself because, when you had to work in groups, you generally had to do all the work and put the other person's name on it. Your teacher said that the groups had already been picked so when he/she was done listing off names, you could start the project. You stopped paying attention until you heard your name.

"Lutz Beilschmidt and (Y/N) (L/N)," He/She said. That ended the list and you glanced around, looking for the blond German. It wasn't until he dropped all of his things (very nosily) on the desk next to you, did you notice him. You knew that he was popular and a well known player, he wasn't picky.

"Hey, beautiful," He purred. You glanced at him from your curtain of (H/C) that you used to hide yourself from everybody. You never really like having your hair in your face but, you figured that, if you didn't want anybody to notice you, you would just use hair to hide your face.

"Hi," You whispered, he looked down at you with a confused expression.

"I don't really feel like working on this now so, can we do this after school?" He groaned. You nodded, not really looking to deal with him any more than you had to. "Cool. Your place or mine?"

"Doesn't matter," You mumbled, sketching a cat into the margin of your notebook. You were supposed to write and perform a semi romantic play. Your class was reading Romeo and Juliet, not that you really wanted to.

"My place it is," He grinned. His light purple eyes stared down where he must have assumed your eyes were under your mop of hair.

~~Timeskip to after school~~

When you went to your locker, Lutz was there waiting for you. It was a little intimidating having him leaning against your locker, watching for you. It took him a minute or two to realize that you had been standing in front of him, waiting to get into your locker. His face reddened a bit and he chuckled a little.

"Were you waiting long?" You mumbled into your open locker.

"No, I got here a minute or two before you showed up," He said, shrugging. You took note of the fact that he didn't have a backpack or books. You nodded at him and continued pulling books out of your locker. Your Trig textbook resided on the top shelf of your locker, you were a bit too short to reach it without stepping into the bottom of your locker. As you reached for it, Lutz grabbed it and handed it to you.

"Your book, beautiful," He hummed in your ear, gently blowing on it. You shuddered and jumped away from him. Ew, ew, ew, ewwww! That was quite possibly the strangest thing anyone has ever done to me, you thought. He stared at you with a softer expression, holding it out to you like a peace offering. You took it hesitantly and pushed it into your over stuffed bag.

"P-Please refrain from doing that a-again," You said, shivering again. You hiked your bag onto your back and groaned lightly. You swore that it weighed more than you did at the moment. Just then, the weight was gone. You glanced over and noticed that Lutz was carrying your bag for you. "You really don't have to do that."

"It looked too heavy for you," He stated. Your cheeks smeared pink as he gave you a slight grin. Perhaps he thought you were still feeling strange about the incident earlier.

It was a silent walk to the parking lot and a silent drive to his house. It wasn't the biggest house you had ever seen but, it was nice. You had expected something bigger, more flashy based on his personality. He picked up your bag again and walked around to your side of the car, opening the door for you just as you leaned to open it yourself. The outcome of this was you sprawled, face down, at his feet.

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