America x Reader x Japan

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Your pov

You had suspected that Alfred was cheating on you for a few months now, but you couldn't prove it. It wasn't like you were finding bras that didn't belong to you or anything like that. It's more that he came home late everyday smelling like someone else's perfume and seemed to touch you less and less. No, it wasn't anything you could necessarily prove, but you could just tell.

You glanced at the clock again for the fourth or fifth time in the past ten minutes. Alfred was late again. He got off of work at five and it was almost eleven now. You leaned your head back against the chair you were sitting in, sighing. Usually he had the decency to call you if he wasn't going to be home until ass o'clock. Faintly, you heard the door open, like he was trying not to wake you. You were going to tell him that you were in the living room until you heard a woman giggling.

"Are you sure we should do this here?" The woman asked. Alfred chuckled lightly.

"It's fine, (girl name). (Y/N) shouldn't even be home tonight, she left for her trip with her friend today," He said, loudly. The woman giggled as your face twisted into disgust and betrayal. He couldn't even remember that Kiku was picking you up tomorrow morning to go to Japan with him.

"Oh, well in that case," She purred. Not long after that, you heard a low groan from your boyfriend. Angrily, you stood up and marched towards their voices. You leaned in the doorway of the living room, looking at the two as the woman gave him hickies. She had long red hair and purple eyes from what you could tell. Her face was a little hard to see, seeing as it was buried in Alfred's neck, but her eyes stood out from there. His eyes cracked open to find you leaned right across from him, glaring. Your (E/C) eyes sharper than you'd even known them to be. You were pissed beyond belief and hurt at the same time.

"(Y-Y/N)?" He sputtered. You snorted and waved your hand at him.

"Oh no, don't mind me, Alfred. Please carry on, I was just leaving," You growled. Your voice sounded dangerous. So very unlike the soft tone you always used. Turning on your heel, you stomped into your shared room and grabbed the bag that you planned to take to Japan along with your purse.

"Wait, dudette! It's not what it looks like!" He yelled, running into the room. The girl was still hanging off of his arm. You glared at them, at the marks on his neck, at the one who made them.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it just looked like she was biting your neck and it looked like you were going to have sex with her. Please do tell me what was really going on, seeing as I misinterpreted it," You bit back. He stared stupidly at you, giving no response. You clicked your tongue, lugging your bags towards the door. He jumped forward, grabbing your wrist and successfully held you in place.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). Stay here, please. The hero loves you so much. She means nothing to me, I swear," He plead. You laughed coldly, yanking your arm away from him and grabbing your bags again.

"It's not nice to swear, Alfred," You retorted, coldly. Your face was hardened and your eyes were unforgiving. He took a step back with a lost look on his face as you swept from the house.

~~Time skip~~

You found yourself on Kiku's doorstep, hoping that he wouldn't be too upset with your for waking him so late as you knocked on the door. He answered almost immediately, looking tired not angry. He tilted his head to the side, giving you a confused look. You rubbed your arm, softly, looking at the ground with a sad expression. Your anger had fizzled out halfway here and now you were just sad.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)-chan?" He asked, stepping to the side to let you in.

"Do you remember that I told you I thought he was cheating on me? Well, I was right," You said, sitting on his couch. He sat on the other side, a sympathetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry," He said, softly. "Would you like some tea?"

"Yeah, I could use a good cup of tea. Thanks, Kiku," You sighed, looking at your hands that rested in your lap. A few minutes later, he returned from the kitchen with two cups of tea, handing you one.

"Will you be alright?" He asked, concerned. You shrugged, staring at your own reflection in the cup.

"I guess so. I just want to know what's wrong with me, you know. This is, what, the fourth boy that's cheated on me? There has to be something I'm doing wrong or something that just wrong with me," You said, taking a long drink. Kiku's face changed from his calm, sympathetic expression to a more frustrated one. He sat his cup on the table and did the same to yours, timidly taking your hands. It surprised you that he touched you, he never touched anyone and you weren't an exception.

"(Y/N) (L/N), there is nothing wrong with you," He said. His voice was still soft, but his face was serious. His hands held your own (S/T) ones, softly, running his thumb over your knuckles. You stared at him, not entirely sure what to say to him. You fished for words for a moment before you pulled them into an actual sentence.

"I'm glad that you think that," You said, dropping your head down. A bitter smile found it's way to your face as tears began to well in your eyes. "You seem to be the only one that thinks that way."

Kiku pulled you slightly closer to him. You could tell that this was really pushing his personal boundaries, but you found it sweet that he cared that much about you. His knee bumped yours and you glanced over at him. While his face still held it's serious quality, it had a nervous undertone being given away by the blush across his cheeks. A tear made it's way down your cheek, then another and, soon enough, they flowed easily. You remained silent and kept your face hidden the best you could, but Kiku knew.

"Please don't cry, (Y/N)-chan. I truly hate to see someone so wonderful cry," He said. You pulled a hand away from him and rubbed the sleeve of your shirt over your face.

"I'm sorry, this is probably making you super uncomfortable. You don't have to sit so close if you don't want to and you don't have to watch me cry, I know that you aren't good with things like this," You said, hiccuping slightly. His free hand retrieved yours again and he looked into your eyes, sweetly.

"It's alright. I only want you to be happy again," He said, smiling lightly at you. You sniffled, looking into his brown eyes. They were honest and soft with a hint of nervousness in them. Still crying, you gave him a little smile.

"You're too good to me, Ki," You sniffled. Smiling, he reached up and brushed some of your (H/L) (H/C) hair out of your eyes.

"Nothing is too good for you, (Y/N)-chan. You deserve much more good fortune than you've had in your life," He said.

"Thanks. I feel a little bit better," You said, rubbing away the last of your tears.

"I'm glad," He said. "You must be tired, (Y/N)-chan. Let's get you into bed."

He stood, pulling you with him easily seeing as you offered no resistance. You were tired after all of this and it was late. You followed him, watching his choppy, black hair move with every step. A small smile spread across your lips as you thought about how sweetly Kiku treated you. There was a reason that you were best friends. With unsurprising gentleness, he helped you into bed and tucked the covers under your chin.

"Good night, Ki," You sighed, contently. He brushed your hair away from your forehead before leaning down and pressing his lips to it, quickly.

"Sleep well, (Y/N)-chan. We have to up early if we want to make our flight to Japan," He said as he left your room. On his way out, he turned and gave you one last sweet smile. You smiled back sleepily until he flicked off the lights. With that, you easily slipped into slumber, feeling lucky to have someone like him in your life.


Hey Kit Kats! I hope you enjoyed this little story and let me know in the comments if you want a part two. Remember to share and vote. I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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