Russia x Reader

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Your pov

Russia had always intimidated everybody. Nations large and small would cower in fear as he passed them in the hall, but you didn't get it. It wasn't like he had outright attacked someone during a meeting or anything. Sure he was a little creepy and sure he did carry a pipe around threatening people, but he usually had a good reason. Today, you decided, you were going to talk to him. You were going to be his friend if it killed you.

"Russia!" You called, jogging to catch up to him after the meeting. He slowed to a stop and looked back at you over his shoulder. Your call also attracted the attention of several other countries who stared with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, little (C/N)?" He asked, sounding perplexed. You grinned up at him in a friendly matter, pushing a chunk of (H/C) hair behind your ear.

"Do you want to grab some lunch with me?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. A horrified gasp came from the remaining countries around you. Russia looked down at you with the most confusion you'd ever seen on his face.

"This is joke, da?" He asked. He didn't sound angry, surprisingly.

"Not at all. So, lunch? My treat," You chirped. You felt a hand grab your wrist and pull you backwards. Just by the harsh pull, you guessed it was America.

"What are you doing, dudette?" He asked as quietly as he could. That meant he was pretty much still yelling in your ear. You pulled you wrist away and turned to look at him.

"Getting to know, Russia. Is there a problem with that?" You asked, raising a brow. America grabbed your shoulders, looking seriously into your eyes. You leaned away from him, put of by the intense look that he was giving you. You tired to look anywhere but his eyes.

"That commie bastard will take you over, make you a slave, and you'll be torchered. He'll scare the hell out of you, dudette," He growled. You grabbed his wrists lightly in your hands and slowly took them off your shoulders. You blinked slowly at him.

"America, I hate to burst your bubble, but you're the only one scaring me right now. You're literally the only one being scary right now," You said, backing away from him. You looked for someone to agree with you, but all the other countries gave you a blank stare.

"You're not going anywhere with him. The hero won't let a damsel in distress go anywhere with the villain," America said, tossing you over his shoulder unexpectedly. You squeaked, struggling in his grip. You looked behind you when you heard a pipe hit a wall.

"I suggest you put, little (C/N), down," Russia said in a light, sweet voice.

"What are you going to do if I don't, dude?" America responded, cockily.

"Nothing," You growled, using your heel to kick him in the face. He dropped you to your feet quickly. "I'm not a damsel in distress, he is not the villain, and if you ever dare to do that again, so help me, I will murder you and set fire to everything you love. Am I understood, Mr. Jones?"

Everyone stared, mouths gaping, they'd never seen you get angry. They'd never seen you so much as raise your voice at someone and now your were outright threatening a world superpower. America's blue eyes were locked onto you narrowed (E/C) ones as he vigorously nodded and backed away from you. You took a deep breath, letting the smile return to your face and turned to Russia. He looked just as shocked as everyone else.

"So, as I was saying, lunch is my treat if you're up for it," You said, giving him a child like grin. He smiled back at you slightly.

"Da, lunch would be nice," He said, as you both exited the building, leaving a hallway of frightened countries behind.


Hey Kit Kats! This is just a quick one before bed, so I hope it turned out okay. If you liked it let me know in the comments. Please vote and share this story. I love you all and wish you the best i life!

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