Hetalia x Child! Reader

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Your pov

You hated seeing people cry, especially people you cared about. The men who cared so deeply for you sat silently in the living room of America's house, not looking at each other. America and England sat side by side on the couch leaning against one another like each was trying to use the other to hold them up. Germany stood stiffly, staring out the window next to Japan while holding a sobbing Italy. France stood with one hand on the mantle, biting down on his knuckle muffling his sobbs. Canada rested his hand on France's shoulder, soft tears sliding down his cheeks. Russia and China sat in chairs side by side, like mirror images with their heads in their hands.

Everything's okay, guys!

England picked up his head and looked straight at you. His emerald eyes dull, unseeing because of the tears blurring them. It felt as though he was looking through you. It was like you were on a totally different planet. You waved with a large smile on your face. A hint of a smile tugged at his lips before they turned down again.

"I believe my mind's finally gone," He chuckled. It didn't sound like the England you knew. It was bitter, well, a different kind of bitter than usual.

What's that supposed to mean?

France turned to look at him and, for once, his expression wasn't one of distian. It was almost compassion, though there was a hint of confusion. He joined the pair on the couch, Canada following behind. France didn't look at England again, but took his hand. Oddly, he didn't argue it.

"What do you mean, Angleterre?" France asked in an, uncharacteristically, rough voice. It was low, gravely, like it hadn't been used in years. If England had heard him, he didn't show any sign of it.

"(Y/N), was just there," He whispered, "Plain as day."

"What are you talking about, dude?" America asked, his voice, too, was oddly rough. There was something wrong with it. He was so quiet, it was as if the air itself had asked the question. You always liked it better when he was loud, it kept you from thinking too much when you just didn't want to.

Don't be so sad!

"England?" Germany asked, finally breaking his silence. Japan's dead eyes trailed to the British man. Italy's cried quieted slightly.

Come on, guys. Get it together.

Russia picked his head up, displaying fat tears rolling down his face and dripping off his nose. Everyone's attention was centered on England, who stared at the spot you stood in. He still looked as if he'd found something he regretted looking for. Eyes trailed over you, but it felt like they were sliding over you, skittering around you, not really seeing what was there. Still, you smiled. It was rare that you stopped smiling.

Why are you so upset? I'm okay. See?

"I could have sworn that they were just there," England muttered, shaking his head. Canada glanced your way and you giggled. He looked the same as he always did, sad and optimistic. You had always liked Canada. He made the best company when there wasn't any more talking to be done.

"(Y/N)?" China asked, tilting his head. His chocolate hair fell over his shoulder. Without its usual ponytail, it looked so much longer than it actually was. It was always fun when he would let you play with it during meeting so you didn't get bored. Frances hair was fun to play with to, but it was way more fun to let him play with your hair.

Who else?

"Who else?" England shot back, though there was no venom in his tone.

Thank you.

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