Japan x Tall!Reader

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Your pov

You walked into the world meeting a bit early because it was being held in your country, waiting for the usual comments. You were a 6'1 girl but, it wasn't really abnormal in your country of (C/N). Very soon, America walked in with his usual grin.

"How's the weather up there, Stretch?" He asked. You glanced down at him and sighed. You were taller than Russia who was 5'11 and no body let you forget it. Along with your height, you had long, awkward limbs, big feet, and you also had a tendency to step on peoples feet all the time. This time, it happened to be England.

"Watch it you bloody git!" England growled at you. You jumped back into Japan, knocking him over. You turned and tried to catch him but, you only wound up tripping over your large feet and landing on top of him. In the process of doing that, you knocked things off the table and threw papers everywhere. Your hands were on both sides of his head and your body was pressed into his.

"Oh my God! I'm so, so, so, so, sorry!" You yelped, scrambling off of him. Your (E/C) eyes were wide as you stood up, reaching out a (S/T) hand to help him up. He took it lightly and pulled himself up. Before he could say anything, the other countries had swarmed you.

"Now look at what you've done you great oaf!" France snapped at you. Your knees had turned in toward each other making you wobble slightly. You had also hurt your wrist in the fall but, you didn't say anything.

"Not cool, you could have really hurt, Japan!" America yelled. You teared up and Japan walked up next to you, calmly.

"Excuse me, America-san," He said. Everyone looked at him, everyone except for you. You directed your attention to the floor and your rubbed your sore wrist. "(C/N)-chan didn't mean to do this, I'm sure."

"Whatever, dude," America said. You simply left the room after that, not caring to hear the rest of the conversation. You left to the garden that surrounded the building and took a seat under the large cherry blossom tree that rested there. It was early spring so they were just starting to bloom and fall everywhere. Tears ran down your pink cheeks freely as you cried quietly into your hands.

"Are you alright, (C/N)-chan?" Japan asked. You jumped, not expecting him to follow you outside. He looked down at you for once as, you were sitting and he was standing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry about that whole thing though," You mumbled, pulling your long legs into your chest. You pushed your (H/L) hair away from your face waiting for him to say something. He didn't. He sat down next to you in the dirt. "I hope I didn't mess things up too much." He looked at you strangely.

"If you're alright then, why are your crying?" He ask, quietly. You glanced up at him with tear stained cheeks. Your (H/C) kept sticking to your wet face because of the way the wind was blowing. You ran your fingers under your eyes trying to catch the tears that ran from them.

"I'm too tall and I'm too awkward and I fuck things up too easily! I can't go ten minutes without stepping on someones toes or falling over myself! I didn't ask to be this tall or this stupidly proportioned!" You yelled, throwing your hands up in frustration. Japan looked at you with sympathy.

"You're not too tall. I think you're beautiful just the way you are, (C/N)," He said. You looked over at him with pink cheeks and a little smile.

"Call me (Y/N)," You said with a small sniffle. He smiled lightly at you.

"Call me, Kiku," He said. You smiled widely at him. He picked up a cherry blossom and placed it in your soft, (H/C) locks. His hands were gentle as he pulled his fingers down until the caressed your cheek. His cheeks rivaled Spain's tomatoes now as he leaned forward. "M-may I k-kiss you?" You laughed and he pulled back a bit.

"I thought that was what you were going for anyway," You giggled, leaning forward and pressing your lips to his. It only lasted a few seconds but, it was nice. After, you got up and smacked your head on a tree branch. Japan laughed quietly and you glared at him.

"Sorry, (Y/N)-chan," he said. You smiled at him and shook your head.

"Isn't this freakin' romantic," You mumbled, rubbing the bump that was forming on your head. Japan only shook his head and smiled at you. He got up from his resting place and started to walk back to the building with you.

"W-would it be a-alright if I held your hand?" He asked. You smiled and rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, I think that would be just fine," You said, taking his hand. You may tower over him but, he was the only person that had ever made you feel normal. All this time you thought that the only way for you to be happy would be for you to have someone taller than you. Turns out, all you need was someone who thought you were perfect the way you were.


Hey Kit Kats! I wanted to give a little love to my tall girls out there. I, myself, am short so I don't know the daily struggles of you tall girls but, I want you to know that you would be just as beautiful at seven feet tall or five feet tall. All you need to do is love yourself! I love you guys and I wish you the best in life!

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