2P! England x Reader

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Your pov

He's in love with someone and something bad is going to happen, you thought, glancing around the room. You were currently sat in Oliver's cupcakes speaking with your best friend of all time, Oliver. He was a bright man with bright blue eyes and cute strawberry blond hair. It looked a bit like cotton candy to you but, you would never say anything to him about it for you feared that he would change it.

He's in love and something really bad is coming , you thought again. Normally, you would just shake off this feeling but, at the moment, it worried you. You were never wrong when it came to a feeling like this. You always had a strange intuition that told you when something, good or bad, was going to happen. It was never wrong. Never.

"Are you alright, Poppet?" Oliver asked, waving a hand in front of your face. Your cheeks heated up and you smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My intuition is just acting up again," You mumbled, staring down at your coffee. As he stared at you, he visibly paled. You tilted your head and looked at him.

"Good or bad?" He asked, nervously. There was really no reason for him to be so freaked out because, if it was him, you would have the feeling much stronger.

"Both, I guess. It keeps telling me something bad is going to happen, like, really bad," You said, tracing the rim of your coffee cup with your (S/T) index finger. He stared at you for a second as if he were questioning if you thought it was good as well.

"What else, Poppet?" He asked. You smiled lightly as your intuition ebbed at you more with another, He's in love with someone.

"Are you in love?" You asked, point blank. He stuttered, turning red from the tips of his ears until the collar of his shirt hid the rest. You took that as a yes, now you wanted to know who the British man was so in love with it poked your intuition. "Who is it?"

"N-no one, love," he sputtered. You grinned at him as it started to rain outside. You glanced out the window to see two people outside. They were both blond and one looked like Oliver. Your intuition jabbed you behind your (E/C) eyes, making them darker by a few shades. That's it, they're it! They are the bad thing! You thought in a panic.

"Oliver, it's them! They're what my intuition was getting at! Who are they?" You asked. He glanced out the window and swallowed hard.

"Do you remember me telling you that this was just my side job?" He asked. You nodded and he continued, "My actual job is being the dark side of England, though I don't think I'm that dark, so to speak." You stared at him.

"And who are they?" You asked, not caring that he was a country.

"They are the good sides of counties," he answered. "They call me a 2p and they are 1p's to make it less confusing." You nodded, not understanding any of what he had just explained to you. The two mean walked into the bakery. You reached down to your (F/C) purse just to make sure that your gun was still firmly there.

"Hello, Oliver," The green eyed one said. You looked at him and Oliver moved and put his arms around you in a protective manner. The green eyed guy narrowed his eyes at him.

"Hello, Arthur," Oliver purred back. The guy, Arthur, looked at you with slightly wide eyes.

"Don't tell me you're dragging another innocent victim into that hell hole and making her into a cupcake," Arthur said. You looked over at the blue eyed man beside you with frightened (E/C) eyes. You never knew that he was putting people into his cupcakes and your intuition never bothered you about him. Oliver was silent but, he didn't look at either one of you.

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