Italy x Reader

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Your pov

You ran easily around the track, passing Germany once and Italy numerous times. As lazy as he was, you loved him. Italy was kind, funny, light-hearted, and all around a sweet guy. Besides the personality, you loved him because he was a wiz in the kitchen, unlike youself who could set fire to a bowel of cereal, it's happened, and because he was hot as hell. Like, damn boy, if he got any hotter you would melt. You finished your laps without trying too hard and plopped down in the grass next to Japan.

"Hey, Japan," you said with a smile. He smiled back lightly.

"Hello, (Y/N)-san, how are you?" he asked. You shrugged and stretched your limbs for a few seconds before answering.

"I'm fine, how about you?" You asked. You didn't really listen to the answer as you were too absorbed in watching Germany yell at Italy to try and motivate him. Japan only smiled at you knowing that you didn't listen to him but, at the same time, not really caring. He knew about your rush on the adorable Italian but, he didn't bother you about it too much. He knew that would result in getting kicked in the balls.

"(Y/N), you try motivating him. I can't even do it with food right now,"Germany said. You smiled at him and slipped your hands up towards your ponytail. You released your (H/C) hair, it careened down your shoulders in a smooth fashion and you stood up. You were going to try motivating Italy with the prospect of a pretty woman, even if he didn't know it was you. You knew that he would never go after you the way he would anybody else. You were much too guyish for him. (So you think)

"What are you doing?" Germany asked. You giggled and shook out your hair so it fell in a mush more sexy, messy way.

"If he won't run for food," You said, stripping of your shirt to reveal a (F/C) sports bra and pulling of your long pants to reveal (2nd/ F/C) booty shorts, "Then maybe he'll run after a sexy lady, he is Italian after all, chasing women is in his blood." With that, you walked onto the track a little bit ahead of Italy and whistled to grab his attention.

No one's pov

With that whistle, Italy's head shot up to see (Y/N) standing on the track with her hair down and her (S/T) body glimmering in the sun. The (H/C) girl giggled to him and let her hair fall into her face. The Italian man couldn't think of anything sexier than his crush in almost no cloths and messy hair, whistling to him with a cute little smile. His pace picked up as the girl took off down the track, looking back over her shoulder and giggling.

"Wait up, bella(1)!~" Italy called. The (E/C) eyed girl only cast him a look over her shoulder and kept going. Italy sped up in order to catch her. To Japan and Germany, it was like watching a dog go after a bone. They both smiled to themselves as they knew about the crushes that the other two had on each other.

"You weren't trying to motivate him with food at all were you?" Japan asked with a smirk. Germany shook his and and smiled a bit.

"Didn't you give her those cloths so she could wear them in front of him?" Germany retorted. Japan smiled and nodded. They watched as the pace continued to pick up, the (Nationality) girl just ahead of the Italian man, teasing him with hip swishes and giggles. Italy finally finished his laps and caught up to her, grabbing her around the waist with a grin.

Your pov

"Got you, bella!~" he laughed, hugging your slim waist tightly. You blushed hard as it was not in your plan to have him catch you. Your (H/C) hair fell completely into you face, covering your eyes and temporarily giving you blurry vision.

"Yeah, you got me, now let me go," You said, pulling against his weak arms. He couldn't hold you in place so he just let go and stared at you strangely.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)," he asked. You stood there a bit shocked that he could tell it was you given the way you usually looked. You were completely confused as to why he chased you if he knew it was you.

"I thought that you only chased beautiful women," You said, tilting you head to the side. He grinned at you and nodded.

"I do, that's why I was chasing you!" He laughed. Your face turned even redder at the fact that he had just called you beautiful. It was turning out to be a strange day for you. Your crush just chased you and called you beautiful. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen!"

"T-Thank you, Italy," You sputtered out in surprise. He grinned at you like a child with his eyes pinched shut, you loved that smile.

"C-can I tell you something, bella?" he asked, suddenly acting nervous. You nodded and looked at him, your (E/C) eyes squinting in confusion. He shuffled his feet a bit and looked at the ground as if it were the most interesting thing in the world, not a dusty old track.

"What is it, Ita?" You asked, usig the nickname you had given him years ago when you had first met him. He didn't say anything at first and just shuffled his feet again.

"Ti amo(2), (Y/N)," he said in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. You blushed and grinned widely at him. You wanted to do nothing more than to jump into his arms and kiss him and that's exactly what you did. His curl went straight out for a second and his eyes popped open before they once again slipped closed and his curl formed a little heart. His lips were soft, warm, and they tasted like tomato sauce.

"I love you too, Italy. I have for a while," You admitted. He laughed and pulled you in for another kiss without hesitation. Today had been a strange day but, a wonderful one.

~~Extended ending because I just couldn't help myself~~

"Finally! It took you two dummkofs(3) long enough," Germany groaned. You jumped away from each other, not expecting the interruption. In the process of doing so, Italy had bit you lip hard enough to make it bleed.

"Hai(4), I agree, it took far too long for you two to confess your feelings," Japan agreed. You smiled at them and shrugged as you brought your hand to your bleeding lip.

"You can scold us for taking so long latter, because of Germany's lovely interruption, Italy bit my lip and now I must go stop it," You giggled. Italy freaked out, apologizing to you as you shook your head and laughed. This is starting out to be one hell of a relationship.


Hey Kit Kats! I'm sorry for the crappy extended ending but I can see it happening. Germany scares Italy and you end up with a bloody lip. I though that was just a little bit funny, sorry if you didn't. Let me know in the comments if you liked it. Don't forget to share and vote!


1) Bella: beautiful

2) Ti amo: I love you

3) Dummkofs: Stupid person/ idiot

4)Hai: Yes

I got these off of google translate so I'm sorry if they are wrong. Love you my little Kit Kats!

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