England x Reader

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Your pov

After the April Fools Day thing that Antonio had planned out, you admitted to Francis that you were a little disappointed that you didn't get to see Arthur in the nurse outfit. You'd been so busy trying to hide your half naked body from everyone else that you didn't get the chance. The look on his face after that worried you. You didn't want him to embarrass your boyfriend. Knowing Francis, you didn't put much merit in the fact that he told you he would never do that. You knew it was coming. Ten in the morning on a Saturday wasn't when you expected it to happen. Not in the slightest.

"You bloody wanker! I thought I'd be done with this after that infernal practical joke of yours!" Your eyes flew open and you toppled out of bed. If that wasn't the definition of a rude awakening, you weren't sure what was.

"Ah, now you've woken, (Y/N)," Francis laughed, obviously hearing your thump. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you made your way towards their voices.

There in your living room, yanking at a very short dress, was Arthur. You froze at the sight. For whatever reason, that wasn't what you were expecting. Francis, who was wearing cat ears, waved at you with a friendly smile. Leave it to him to act like he didn't (most likely) kidnap your crush, force him into a nurse costume, and break into your house. Blinking, you let your mouth dangle open.

"At least you have the legs for that dress, Artie," You spat out. Mentally, you slapped yourself. That was what you chose to say? Arthur whipped around, as red as a person could get.

"Well, I don't think you will be needing me, au revoir(1)," Francis chirped, slipping out the front door. Arthur glared like a cat in a bathtub and you watched the door like a deer in the headlights.

"(Y/N)!" He squeaked, embarrassed.

"Sorry," You amended, glancing down at his legs again. "Though, to be fair, you really do have nice legs."

"Please don't make this worse than it is, love," He said, green eyes pleading. Cute. You loved that expression on him; somewhere between embarrassed and annoyed. His cheeks were still cherry red. You offered a sheepish smile.

"Okay, okay, sorry. So, what's going on?" You asked, gesturing to his outfit. He jerked the bottom of the dress down more.

"The bloody frog broke into my house, forced me into this monstrosity, and brought me here," He grumbled. You thought as much. You looked around, trying to avoid his eyes as much as he was trying to avoid yours. Running your fingers through your (H/C) hair, you kissed your teeth out of sheer awkwardness.

"That may have been my fault," You admitted, rubbing your neck. His face twisted in confusion, eyes nearly disappearing under his thick eyebrows.

"I'm not sure I follow," He said.

"Uh, well, I might have mentioned that I wanted to see you in costume," You chuckled, nervously. The look of confusion turned to annoyance. You flinched.

"Why the bloody hell would you want to see this?" He snapped.

"Because it's, like, really hot," You blurted. You slapped a hand over your mouth. Your mouth always found a way to act before your brain. The blond in front of you squeaked. "I didn't think I'd say that out loud."

The two of you stood in awkward silence as you avoided each other's eyes. If you could wave a wand and take back your entire life, you would. His lips pressed together into a thin line, taking on his thinking face. Knowing Arthur, he was thinking of the best way to curse you (or break up with you). At that thought, you began to back out of the room. Finally, his eyes caught yours and you stopped.

"W-well, I suppose if you like it," He muttered, looking down. The dirty thoughts racing through your mind seemed to double in numbers. Shaking your head, you walked closer to him.

"I do. It's pretty cute, Arthur," You said, smiling. The little smile he offered you made you weak in the knees.

"I don't think I understand the appeal," He said as you wrapped your arms around his waist. You shrugged.

"I'm not even sure it's the outfit, honestly," You said, running a hand through his hair. He tipped his head into your hand, looking pleased yet confused.

"I'm afraid you've lost me, (Y/N)," He said. You chuckled softly, pressing your lips to his. The kiss didn't last long before you pulled away with a smirk. A lazy smile crossed his face, which was still red.

"It's just you," You purred, nuzzling his neck.


Hey Kit Kats! This is for Eevee-Sama, I hope you don't mind that it was short. It would have been longer, but it was headed towards smut and I wasn't sure that you were asking for that. If you want a smutty continuation of this let me know in the comments. Remember to vote and share this story. I love you all and wish you the best in life!


1) Au Revoir: Goodbye

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