Canada x Reader ~~Part 1~~

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Your pov

You were always a bit on the odd side but, that was alright with you. Nobody thought much of your strange tendencies so, things were fine. Today you were climbing a tree in the park near your house to see what the park looked like from that high up. You were about half way up the tree when you heard a soft crying. Looking down, you (E/C) eyes met the top of a blond head. It was a boy with his face hidden in his knees that were pulled up to his chest. You could see an odd little curl coming off of his head. Climbing down to a low branch, you hung yourself upside down in front of him.

"Why are you crying?" You asked loudly. He screamed in slight terror as your sudden appearance seemed to have startled him. You laughed and twisted your body so you could look at him right side up. His large purple eyes were teary and his cheeks were flushed in the cutest way. His blond, wavy hair fell around his face, a strange little curl almost brushing the tip of your nose. "Why are you crying?" You asked again.

"M-my girlfriend d-dumped me f-for my idiot b-brother, k-kicked me out o-of our apartment, and m-my dads w-won't let me s-stay with them b-because they forgot about m-me again. O-on top of that, i-it's my birthday," he muttered into his knees, more tears escaping his eyes. You frowned and flipped yourself down from the tree, sitting next to him.

"Wow, that's rough. What are the chances that would happen on your birthday?" You said, leaning your head against the tree.

"Bad things always happen on my birthday, not that it matters. No one ever remembers it anyway," He sniffled. Your (E/C) eyes became soft but not pitiful. You did feel a bit bad but, you were not going to let this be the worst day of his life.

"Well, you can move in with me!" You giggled. He stared at you like you were crazy.

"I don't even know you," he said quietly. You smiled t him happily.

"I'm (F/N) (L/N), my favorite color is (F/C), I'm 22 years old, I recently broke up with my boyfriend of three years, I have a pet cat named (Cat Name) and, my favorite food is (F/F)." You said. He smiled a little. It was only a ghost of a smile but, your eyes glimmered. You pushed your (H/C) hair away from your face and giggled. "Your turn."

"I'm Matthew Williams, my favorite color is red, I'm 22 years old, my girlfriend of four years just dumped me, as you know, I have a pet polar bear named Kumajiro, and my favorite food is pancakes with lot of maple syrup," He said. Your grin widened and you tossed an arm around his shoulders.

"Well Matthew Williams, I have two sisters, (G/N) and (G/N), my moms name is (M/N), my dads name is (D/N) but, they're back in (Country). I love hockey (If you don't, now you do) but, I don't think I could pick a favorite team," You said. His smile started to get bigger and he started to unfold himself a bit.

"I have a brother named Alfred, my dads name is Arthur and my Papas name is Francis. I hope it doesn't bother you that I have two dads," he said. You shook your head and waited for him to continue. "I love hockey and picking a favorite team would be like trying to pick a favorite child."

"Mr. Williams, unless you are an ax murderer, I think you can move in with me now. We know each other pretty well, right?" You asked.

"I think you're right, Miss (L/N)," he said.

"What about the ax murderer thing? I was serious about that," You joked. He laughed quietly.

"I'm not an ax murderer," he replied. You laughed.

"Okay, now you can move in." You said. You stood up and put your hand out for him. He accepted it and pulled himself off the ground. You both began to walk to your house so you could get your car and go to pick up his things. After a few minutes of walking in silence, he looked over at you with a real smile. "Hey, (Y/N)?"

"Yeah?" You asked, glancing over at him.

"Thank you."


Hey Kit Kats! I thought this was a cute little story and I hope you like it. I love Canada with all of my little heart so, yeah, this happened. Let me know in the comments if you want a part two to this bitch and I'll crank it out! If you liked it please vote and share. I love you guys and I wish you the best with your lives!

P.S. I'm sorry that it's short

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