America x Reader

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America's pov

Awwwww yis mother fricker! It's Halloween and (Y/N) is coming over to watch scary movies! I thought excitedly. I knew that she couldn't resist the offer of freshly popped popcorn and, piss your pants scary, horror movies. Her favorite holiday was Halloween and we have been celebrating it since we were just skinny little pre-teens. Just as I finished putting all the food out on he coffee table, the (H/C) haired girl bounced into the living room in full costume. Two black, furry, little cat ears stood proudly on the top of her head as a matching tail wound around her waist. She also proudly displayed her curves with a black leather jumpsuit. She ginned at me to show off her fake fangs.

"Happy Halloween, Alfie!" (Y/N) yelled, hugging me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back, blushing at the feeling of her breasts rubbing on my chest.

"Cool costume, dude," I said, letting her go. She grinned at me, holding up a stuffed paw that covered her hand.

"Thanks. Press the center of my paw!~" she giggled, waving it in my face. Softly, I pushed the center of the black, fluffy object. "Nyaa!~" she cooed. My cheeks burst into flames and I turned to put in the first move so she wouldn't notice. That plan was to scare the crap out of her with the movies, have her cling to me for dear life, and I would get to confess to her. Simple.

(Y/N) threw her legs over my lap as the first movie started, pulling a bowl of popcorn into her own lap. The (E/C) eyed girl stared intently at the TV, every now and then popping some popcorn in her mouth, and giggling when someone got dragged away by a demon or sliced open after running like hell. I jumped as a little girl got ripped in half but, (Y/N) didn't seem to notice. By the third movie, I was starting to lose my shit but, her, on the other hand, sat calmly only flinching a bit when there was a jump care.

At the moment, we were watching The Exorcist and the little girl turned her head all the way around with a demonic smile. I squeaked and (Y/N) looked over at me with large, unfazed eyes.

"You alright?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"O-of course, I-I'm the hero," I stuttered weakly. She stifled a laugh and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Come here," she giggled, opening her arms to me. Something spilled blood or something on the TV and I hurled myself unceremoniously into her arms. "Aww, Alfie, it's only a movie." This is not going as planned, not even a little bit.

Your pov

You thought that it was cute how America would hug you closer when ever he got scared. He might think he's big and bad and tough but you knew better than that. By the time the movie ended, it was late and you were getting sleepy. You shook America's shoulder, trying to get his attention.

"I-is it over?" he asked, shakily. You smiled and nodded with a little yawn. He got off of you and you stood up, stretching.

"I'm gonna head home, I'll see you tomorrow, Alfred," you said, turning to leave. America grabbed your wrist and held you in place.

"It's late, (Y/N), you can just stay here for tonight," he said and you laughed.

"You just don't want to stay here alone in the dark, do you?" You asked, raising a (thick/ thin) eyebrow at him. His cheeks tinted pink and he looked down at his lap.

"It's just late, I wouldn't want you to walk home by yourself this late at night," he responded.

"I live next door, Alfred, I'm sure I'll live," You said with a small smirk that you tried (and failed) to hide. His face was getting redder by the second as you stared at him.

"Fine, I want you to stay, the movie scared me," he mumbled, turning his face completely away. You laughed at him, sitting down on the couch. You were never planning on leaving but you wanted to have your fun.

"Okay, I'll stay but, I'm gonna need something to sleep in," you said. With that, he got up and left to go to his room. You followed a second after and he handed you a set of Captain America pajamas that wouldn't even come close to fitting your small fame. You walked into the bathroom, took off your costume, and put on the shirt only. As you walked out, you saw America all cuddled up in bed with his blankets wrapped around him securely. You smiled and set the pajama pants on his dresser.

"I'm gonna go crash on the couch, If you need me, come get me," you said with a yawn. He looked over with a blush that covered almost his entire face.

"Um, would you sleep in here with me?" he asked, embarrassed. You smiled and nodded, hopping into bed next to him.

"Sure, Alfie."

"Hey, can I tell you something?" he asked, snuggling close to you. You nodded, ruffling you (H/C) hair against the pillows. "I love you. It's okay if you don't feel the same way and I still want us to be friends but, uh, yeah, I just wanted to tell you." It was all rushed out but you got it. You smiled as, that had been your plan tonight. Scare him, have him cling to you and you would tell him but it seems as though he wanted to tell you more.

"I love you too, even if you can't handle scary movies." With that, you cuddled up to his chest and fell asleep.


Hey! I don't think this is one of my best ones but I really like it. America is the cutest little piece of trash I swear to god. He makes my heart fill with jelly beans (he makes me really happy). I hope you like it my little Kit Kats!

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