Hungover! Canada x Hungover! Reader

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Your pov

Slowly cracking your eyes open, you became aware of the sunlight peeking through the curtains and the fact that you didn't know where you were. You looked around the room with bleary, confused eyes. This was not your room and this was not your bed. What the hell happened last night? The only thing you remembered was going to the bar with Canada after a particularly bad day at work. You must have been shitfaced.

"MmmmMmm," A voice muttered from beside you. You glanced over, realizing that there was a man next to you. All you could tell was that he was a smallish blond and you weren't quite sure if you could blame that on your hangover or the way he was laying. What you could tell was that you were both naked.

"Nice," You mumbled, rubbing your eyes sleepily. You didn't mind that someone had taken you home. To be honest, you were a little glad for two reasons: 1. you were in need of a stress reliever and 2. you hadn't had sex in almost a year. Groaning, the man rolled over, but didn't wake up.

"Oh my God," You gasped, quietly. There was Canada, messy hair and glasses askew, but sill Canada. Naturally, you went into panic mode.

You were going to leave without waking him and pretend that this never happened, but life had other plans. As you got out of bed, your foot got caught in the sheets and sent you tumbling, face first, onto the ground. You struggled for a minute and that only much worse. You tangled yourself more in the sheets and you smacked your head on the nightstand.

"What's going on?" Canada muttered, leaning over the side to see the disaster you'd created. He was definitely as hungover as you were. "(Y/N)?"

"Uh, hey," You said, trying to look as natural as possible.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, quietly. Sitting himself up, he fixed his glasses and rubbed his head as if it were throbbing. If he felt anything like you, it was. You rolled onto your side and propped your head up on your arm.

"Oh, you know, just laying around," You said, running your fingers through your hair.

"Are you naked?" He asked, looking highly concerned.

"It would seem so," You said, pulling the sheets around you a little more. "And, not to freak you out but, you're just as naked as me."

"Oh maple!" He yelped, grabbing a pillow and holding it over his crotch. His face was redder than you'd ever seen it. You also felt a familiar heat rising in your cheeks as you looked at him. You felt around for your clothing without much success in finding it.

"Where the hell are my cloths?" You grumbled, twisting to look around the room. Still, you found nothing. You wrapped the blankets around you and stood up, rubbing your head. Maybe you would take some painkillers once you found your clothing.

"(Y/N)?" Canada said, shyly. You glanced at him as you walked aimlessly around the room.

"What?" You asked, directing your attention to a pair of panties that had been ripped completely in half. Damn it, those were cute, you thought, frowning.

"D-did we...?" He asked, trailing off and making an awkward hand motion at you.

"I'm going to guess that we did," You sighed, holding up the scraps of your panties.

~~Time Skip~~

This was so awkward. You and Canada sat as his kitchen table with hot mugs of (Coffee/Tea/other) with a bottle of painkillers between you, not speaking. The silence was thicker than England's eyebrows. Your gaze jumped around the room, taking small glances at the blond across the table. He stared down into his mug, face red and eyes troubled. Still neither of you said anything. It was inevitable that you were going to talk about it, you had to. Didn't you? You felt a soft tingling sensation on the side of your face and you knew that he was looking at you. You didn't look back, keeping your eyes glued to the window even though you weren't really seeing anything outside.

"S-so," He said, quietly. You glanced at him, running your finger around the rim of your mug awkwardly.

"So," You echoed.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked. You nodded and pressed your lips into a tight line. You would give anything to not have this conversation right now.

"Yeah. You?" You asked. Nodding, he took a sip of his drink and avoided your eyes just as you did his.

"Fine," He said. Another long silence passed between the two of you and, unlike usual, it wasn't comfortable. You shifted slightly in your chair, feeling highly aware of the face that you were only wearing an oversized shirt. You felt exposed. Judging by the look on Canada's face, he felt similarly. You lifted your mug to your lips, but stopped short of taking a drink. The quiet was really starting to get to you. Someone had to say something, anything, or you thought you would lose it.

"I can't do this," You said, louder than you meant as you sat you mug down. The sound of your mug hitting the table echoed and Canada jumped.

"H-Huh?" He grunted, half way choking on his coffee.

"I can't stand the silence, man. We need to talk about something, either what happened last night or something else because this is getting really terrible really fast," You said, reclining slightly. Canada looked startled, but agreed that the quiet was unnerving.

"D-Do you want t-to talk about it?" He asked. It was easy to tell what he meant.

"We, uh, probably should," You said, rubbing the back of your neck. He ran his fingers through his hair, letting out a nervous breath. You had heard him do this a million times, before meetings, before he had to go talk to his boss, even before he had to talk to his brother.

"I c-can't say t-that I regret it," He mumbled, shyly. Your cheeks bloomed a light pink and you bit your lip, looking away from him again.

"I don't think I can either," You sighed. That was the truth. In fact, the only thing you regretted was that you couldn't remember anything past stumbling into his house, hastily removing clothing the moment you were inside. You kinda wanted to know what had gone on last night.

"You remember it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You shook your head.

"Not really. A few hazy patches, but nothing super solid after we came in the door," You said. He nodded.

"You were pretty drunk," He said, quietly. You tilted your head and scrunched up your face in question.

"Weren't you?" You asked. You knew better than to think that he would take advantage of you, but something deep in your gut still pulled when he said that.

"I was. Probably not as drunk as you though," He said. That was fair. You'd lost track of how much you'd had after the fifth shot of tequila.

"Tequila, man," You said, shaking your head. He offered a small smile and you returned it.

"So..." He trailed off.

"So, you up for breakfast? It'll be my treat," You said. You were both determined to be friends after that. Maybe something more, but that was a little too much to think about after last night.


Hey Kit Kats! I know that this one was a little bit of a trainwreck, but I tried. Lately, school has been a real bitch and I've been more focused on that than anything else. I hope you guys enjoyed that, let me know in the comments if you did. Don't forget to vote and share because it would make me very happy. I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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