Canada x Reader

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No one's pov pov

I'm finally going to talk to her, the most beautiful girl in this school, he thought to himself. He watched as (Y/N) rounded to corner towards her locker that sat next to Canada's. She had (H/L) (H/C) hair, big, excited (E/C) eyes, and beautiful (S/T) skin. She was a popular girl, not that she seemed to care all that much. He was small, nerdy, and basically invisible to everyone except the people who made fun of him. She stopped at her locker, slim fingers spinning the dial easily. It was all well and good until the thing wouldn't open. She tried several times before resting her head against her locker.

"Please, would you just open? I only want to go to lunch," she moaned, jerking the handle of the door. The (E/C) eyed girl glanced over at Canada and smiled. "Could you help me open this stupid thing? I swear it only hates me." He jumped, (Y/N) couldn't possibly be talking to him, right?

"M-me?" He asked, his voice shifting strangely. Arthur told him that it was just because he was getting older so, it wouldn't last forever.

"Yeah, Mathew, right?" She said. The Canadian nodded as she spun her dial again and he easily pulled it open. She made a rather unattractive noise and grabbed a brown bag with her lunch in it. "Thanks. You want to come to lunch with me?"

"S-sure," He said. She smiled and waved him forward. He followed her into the lunch room and to a table filled with the people that set out to make his life a living hell. (Y/N) plopped herself down in and empty seat and Mathew sat next to her with his ow lunch. A certain albino Prussian was eyeing him with a glint of amusement.

"Guys, this is Mathew, Mathew this is Francis, Gilbert, Antonio, Lovino, and, well, you know Alfred. How could you not?" The (H/C) girl said with a bright smile. The Bad Touch Trio smiled at the poor blond who was trying to be invisible.

"Oh, I believe that we know each other quite well," Gilbert said. Maple, I'm so dead, he thought.

"Oh, I forgot to put a drink in here, I'll be right back. I'm going to go buy one," (Y/N) said, leaving the table.

"So, how did you manage to get over here with us?" Francis asked. Alfred nodded along until he went off to go flirt with some girl. There went any form of protection Canada had.

"S-she asked if I wanted t-to join her f-for lunch," he said, looking at them. They laughed at his voice as it cracked and waved. All he wanted to do right now was crawl under a rock and die.

"What was that, Squeaky?" Gilbert asked, leaning towards him. He slid down in his chair in attempt to get away from him. This went on until (Y/N) stomped up with an angry look pulling at her delicate features.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" She snapped, placing her hands on her hips.

"You were the one that brought him over here," Francis snapped back. (Y/N) growled back at him and glared. Her fiery gaze settled on the both of them and they shrunk back a bit. The girl could be scary when she wanted to be.

"I thought it would be nice to have a new face around here. Besides, who are you calling Squeaky, Gill? I remember when your voice was higher than mine not that Francis' was any better," she hissed. "You both know that I know things about you, I could destroy you if I wanted so, I suggest you shut the fuck up and leave the table for today." With that, the Frenchman and the Prussian were running away with their tails between their legs. Antonio and Lovino were off to the side, flirting with each other, and Alfred was still flirting with the girl.

"M-maple," Canada muttered. (Y/N) looked down at him and gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, are they always like that?" She asked. Her (E/C) eyes were filled with concern for the Canadian.

"Yeah but, it's not so bad, usually they don't see me so it's not so bad," he said, looking down at his lunch with a blush as his voice had cracked several times. She giggled a bit making his face get hotter in embarrassment.

"You're going to have one hell of a voice when this is over," She said with a smile.

"Thank you," he said. Canada glanced over at her and smiled a little bit. Before he could turn his head away, (Y/N) leaned forward and kissed his lips. She had always likes the shy Canadian even though she hadn't really talked much. Canada's eyes widened and he immediately kissed back. It was hurried at first, a bit frantic but, he found himself falling into the the same pace as the girl. She slid her arms around his neck and he threw his arms around her waist. When they finally pulled apart, (Y/N) grinned at him with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Hot damn, I should have done that a long time ago," she giggled.

"Maybe you should have, maple leaf," he said, dazed. She giggled and kissed him again.

"I hope you don't mind if I tell everyone I know that my boyfriend is the best kisser ever," she said. Mathew blushed hotly and smiled at her.

"Only if I can tell everyone that my girlfriend is the best kisser ever," he mumbled. She smiled and nodded.


Hey Kit Kats I hope that you liked this. Let me know in the comments if you like my two in the morning attempt at writing a oneshot! I'm really sorry if it's bad, it is two in the morning after all. ^_^;

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