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Hey Kit Kats. I figured that I would warn you that school is going to be starting up for me in a few days, so I'll be updating less. I'll try my hardest to keep up with updating, but school tends to keep me busy. I'll try to update something soon.

Another reason I might not be updating is because it's been a bit of a shit show here. One of my closest friends told me that they didn't want to be friends with me anymore. After years of being friends, they decided to just stop. It turns out that they never actually liked me and they were just my friend because it was convenient for them. The worst part of it was that they did it over text. They told me all of that in one text then told me that they 'didn't want me to feel bad'. Just telling me not to feel bad isn't going to make me feel okay. They didn't ever want to be my friend, but they were because they needed something out of me. Please don't ever do that to someone because it is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. They were someone who I thought cared about me and I could trust. In all reality, all the things I'd done for them meant nothing and they would have never done anything like that for me.

I'm sorry that I bothered you guys with my problems, but I felt like if I wrote it down I'd feel better. I'll be okay. Eventually. If you guys ever need to talk something out, feel free to message me because I don't want anyone to be alone if they feel like I feel right now. I love you all and wish you the best in life!

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