Romania x Magical! Reader

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Your pov

You were an ancient being, one that has lived in Romania since before it was actually Romania. You had seen the rise and fall of empires . You had seen many things that one would have never dreamed of in their lives. You never really had anybody to talk to and it was a highly lonely existence, but you had your magic so you didn't feel completely alone.

When the country of Romania did come around, so did a boy. You had seen him when he was just a small thing, just little. The first time you saw him, he might have been five, six at the oldest. When he caught sight of you, you expected him to scream, to run away and find his parents because of what you looked like. He didn't. He came closer with a small smile on his face, it was like he saw something in you that most people didn't.

"Hello," You said, squatting down to look at him. He grinned at you and reached up, he wanted you to pick him up. You stared at him and did so. He reached up and grabbed the two winding horns on the top of your head. He slid them down slowly until he touched your hair. His eyes lit up.

"Pretty," He said, grinning at you. You saw two small fang like teeth in his mouth, you knew that he wasn't a vampire otherwise he would have tried to bite you already. "I'm Vladimir."

"Thank you," You said, setting him down gently. His eyes were still wide and he was still grinning. He was bouncing now and it made you wonder what you did to make him so excited."I am (Y/N)."

"Are you magic!?" He asked, hopping up and down excitedly. You smiled softly at the boy and nodded.

"Yes," You chuckled. His mouth dropped open and he wiggled around even more.

"Really? Can you show me?" He asked. You laughed and knelt down next to him, waving your hand over obviously dying Dog Roses, slowly making them stand and bringing the color back to them until they looked fully healthy. He squealed excitedly and plucked one, placing it behind your ear.

"Thank you," You said with a soft smile. He smiled back and that was when you heard a voice call somewhere just outside of where you were. He looked at you and gave you a hug.

"I have to leave but, I'll come back, don't worry, I'll come back!" He said as he ran towards the voice. You smiled and waved.

"I will be right here," You called after him.

~~Timeskip to years later~~

You had never seen the boy again after that so you had assumed that he died at a young age. It wasn't uncommon in the age that you had met him. You still stayed in the woods, afraid that if you left people wouldn't understand you. You still kept the bush that he had plucked the flower from alive, for what reason, you didn't know. Not until you heard someone calling your name.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" A male voice called. You felt as though you should recognize it, but you didn't. You turned and there was a man. He was smiling at you like he knew who you were but you still couldn't place him.

"Hello," You said, confused.

"It's me, Vladimir. You have to remember me," He joked. Vladimir, how did you know that name. It rang a bell, though you weren't quite sure what one. The brown haired man plucked a Dog Rose and placed it behind your ear with a smile. He had vampire like fangs but you still weren't sure who it was. He then grabbed your horns and ran his hands down them until he touched you hair. Then it hit you, it was the boy.

"Is it really you?" You asked. He smiled down at you and helped you off the ground.

"I told you I'd be back," He said with a smile. His eyes were red and, in all reality, the were very pretty.

"How in the world..." You wondered. He laughed and straightened his little hat.

"I'm the country of Romania, I represent it anyway," He said. You had heard about the people who aged to a certain point and stopped, like yourself. They were immortal until their country faded away. That's how you saw the empires fall.

"Oh, like Rome and Germania," You said. He nodded and you smiled at him.

"Have you been lonely out here? I mean, you are all by yourself, right?" He asked. You sighed and shrugged. It had been lonely out here all by yourself for all these years, but you had learned not to think about it much. Sometimes it was nice to be alone, other times you yearned for someone to walk into the woods and find you.

"I suppose so," You said, softly. He smiled and took your hand in his. You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. You had no clue what he was thinking but, whatever it was, it probably wasn't something that you were used to.

"Why don't you come stay with me? You can show me how to perform more complicated spells than I can do on my own," He said. Spells? He was magical? Maybe that's why he had gotten so excited when he found out you could do magic.

"Are you sure that I will not bother anyone?" You asked, worried. You reached up and rubbed your right horn nervously. It was a habit that you had acquired over the years .

"You won't. I live alone so, I get lonely as well," He said. You smiled slowly and let him take your hand away from your head."Will you come with me?" You shifted around a little bit, not sure what the outside world would think of you.

"Yes, I will," You said as bravely as you could. He grinned at you. It was the same grin of excitement that he'd given you when he was a child and you smiled back.

"I'm glad, (Y/N), I'm glad," He said, leading you away from your small place in the woods. He took you to his own home and settled you in easily. You lived together for the longest time as you taught him how to do certain spells and he gave you the company that you desired.

~~Small time skip~~

No one's pov

About a year later, the two still lived together. The ancient being had fallen for the country and the country had fallen for the ancient being. Neither one said anything, but to anyone who looked at them, it was obvious.

"(Y/N)?" Romania said as they were putting together some type of potion. The (E/C) eyed girl glanced over at him and made a soft sound. She tossed something else into the pot and a puff of blue smoke flared up. She smiled and clapped her hands together lightly before turning to him.

"Yes, Vladimir?" (Y/N) asked, smiling softly at the red eyed boy in front of her. Her pushed a lock of (H/C) hair away from her face and tipped her head to the side.

"If I were to tell you I was in love with you, what would you say?" He said, looking at the bright blue potion in the pot. It bubbled lightly.

"I would tell you that I am in love with you as well," She said, blushing and looking down at the pot as well.

"And if I kissed you?" He asked, looking down at her. Her eyes didn't leave the pot but she spoke.

"Then I suppose I should have to kiss you back," She murmured, tuning her eyes shyly up towards Vladimir. He smiled down at her and swept her into his arms lovingly and pressed his lips the hers briefly. (Y/N) kissed back and smiled slightly.


Hey Kit Kats! This one goes out to savvy4329, I hope that you enjoyed this. I'm sorry if I messed up his character because I don't know much about him. Either way, I tried. Let me know in the comments who you want to see next! Please vote and share this story. I love you all and wish you the best in life!


Woohoo! Two in one day! This girl is on fire!

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