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Chapter 8 The Scar on the Eyebrow Is the Scar in the Heart

    Every time Emperor Yuwen came back from the Queen Mother, he was not in a good mood.

 This time, his expression was even worse.

 It is inconvenient for outsiders to intervene in the affairs between mother and child. Gu Jingyuan didn't go to trouble, and found an excuse to leave the palace.

 Long Yanzhao didn't keep him either, he just asked someone to prepare a soft sedan chair, and ordered the guards to personally escort Gu Jingyuan home.

 "Left and right take a rest today, Ah Yuan will go back and rest."

 At such times, the Ninth Five Lords often want to be quiet by themselves.

 It's just that when Gu Jingyuan returned home, within two hours, the reward from the palace arrived again.

 He beat the envoys sent by the state of Chang in the literary test, not only upholding Dayi's dignity, but also fighting for the honor of Dayi fiercely, although Emperor Yuwen uttered obscenities last night, saying that he would be rewarded , but the real rewards will still not be less.

 There were four or five boxes of things in the yard, but Gu Jingyuan still didn't take a second look.

 Eunuch Jiang, the inner eunuch who came to announce the decree with these rewards, was not surprised to see him like this.

 ——Master Gu doesn't like vulgar things, he doesn't envy money, everyone in the palace knows it, it's not surprising.

 The old man picked up a brocade box from the many gold and silks, and said mysteriously: "The emperor knows that Mr. Gu is not interested in those personal things, so besides the usual rewards, he specially gave this treasure to him. Have you been here before?" Have you seen it ?"

 Gu Jingyuan took the brocade box and asked, "What kind of treasure is it?"

 "Yo, this treasure is so rare, it was a treasure that the countries of the Western Regions paid tribute to the late emperor a few years ago, and all the noble concubines wanted it No one is willing to give it to the late emperor." Eunuch Jiang is an old man in charge of the inner prison in the palace, and he knows more than ordinary people.

 Not only does he know many royal secrets, but he also knows Gu Jingyuan's current status in front of His Majesty.

 The news that His Majesty punished Mr. Dong just now for Mr. Gu spread in the palace. Eunuch Jiang did not dare to be negligent. He said to Gu Jingyuan, "My lord, please take a look."

 He urged, and all the servants in Gu Jingyuan's mansion were also curious about this treasure that even the late emperor couldn't bear to part with, and cast their eyes one after another.

 During these scrutiny, Gu Jingyuan twisted two slender fingers and opened the brocade box.

 I saw a piece of jade that looked very rough inside.

 The jade has not been polished, and its color is dark brown. It looks like ordinary jade, but it is uglier.

 It's just that from the moment the box was opened, there was a strange fragrance.

 In an instant, it seemed that the whole yard was filled with a strange fragrance.

 Gu Jingyuan paused when he opened the box.

 "This is Wenxiangyu. Not to mention the capital city, there is only one piece like this in the entire Central Plains and other countries in the Western Regions."

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