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    The next day, Long Yanzhao came down from the morning court and went to greet the Empress Dowager according to the rules.

 It stands to reason that to greet the Empress Dowager should be there every morning and evening, or at least every day.

 But the queen mother claimed that she would worship the Buddha sooner or later, and since Long Yanzhao was taken back to the palace at the age of thirteen, the number of times she saw the queen mother hardly exceeded three times a week.

 After so many years, Long Yanzhao has changed from a little emperor with nothing at the beginning to a high-spirited young emperor. He has long been used to the rule of going to pay his respects twice a week.

 As for what the mother and son would say every time they met the Queen Mother, it was nothing more than the things in the harem.

 "A few days ago, Ai's family heard that Prime Minister Zuo's youngest son has just turned sixteen, and has not yet married a wife, and has not found a house or concubine. The young man is born with a good face, the emperor..." The

 queen mother wears a string of Buddhist beads all the year round . In his hand, with his face on his face, his demeanor is dignified, and he didn't expect to say such matchmaking words when he opened his mouth.

 Long Yanzhao is also used to this.

 He sneered: "Prime Minister Zuo is an important minister, how can I enjoy his son?" The

 queen mother was not surprised, and said: "Then the emperor can consider Wang An's family..."

 "The youngest son of Wang An's family? He fills in You don’t like men, so why bother to make things difficult for others.” Later, Long Yanzhao didn’t even have a smile on his face, and he said bluntly, “If you don’t worry about my mother, I really don’t have so many needs.”

 “ But Your Majesty has kept Mr. Gu to stay overnight in the palace many times..." Speaking of this, the Empress Dowager rolled her eyelids, "If it gets out, wouldn't it be a disgrace to the court of Dayi?" Having said this, Long Yanzhao has lost his


 He still used the same excuses he had always had, "I only have feelings for Master Gu's face. The queen mother devotes herself to worshiping the Buddha, so you don't have to worry about these little things about my son." The

 queen mother is not easy to deal with Well, she has always been a very serious mother, but when he heard him say that suddenly, her eyes were lifted up, making her look even more fierce.

 "Your Majesty, is this your attitude when talking to Aijia?!"

 Gu Jingyuan went to deal with some official duties, and when he returned to the palace, as soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he heard a crisp sound of broken porcelain coming from the imperial study.

 He paused, but still walked into the room, only to see the tea spilled all over the floor, and the cleaned ground was full of fragments of teacups, Long Yanzhao stood with his hands behind his back.

 "Your Majesty?" he asked aloud.

 Only then did Long Yanzhao turn around, the face of the young emperor was clouded.

 "A Yuan is here." The

 emperor's face softened a little, and Hong Taiquan ordered the people below to come in to clean up the ground with great insight. Gu Jingyuan walked around the debris and walked to the emperor, asking him: "What's wrong, Your Majesty?

 " It's not my mother's queen." Long Yanzhao said, rubbing his eyebrows a little irritably:

 "When I first came to the throne, when the queen mother and the regent jointly controlled the government, I didn't see how much the mother's mother did to my harem. Take care."

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