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    Long Yanzhao is still in a daze.

    When he rushed over, Gu Jingyuan was pinned to the ground by someone. Seeing Gu Shenming's wretched actions, the emperor went mad with anger!

    He couldn't understand why Gu Jingyuan was so stupid and insisted on coming to see Gu Shenming by himself.

    It seems to be able to figure it out.

    It's just that the answer... makes the emperor very dissatisfied.

    The young emperor didn't dare to believe it: "Could it be that... your dignified servant of the Ministry of Rituals wants to feed a tiger with your body, so as to convict Gu Shenming?!"

    Long Yanzhao growled, and Gu Jing, who was held tightly in his arms, refused to accept it . Moved.

    Allowing the emperor's arms to tighten him little by little until he could hardly breathe, Gu Jingyuan murmured: "Gu Shenming will be sent away from the capital soon, I don't want to see him continue to get away with it." His

    complexion became a little dizzy. Bai, he continued: "Although he bullies men and women, he does everything without leaking. No one dares to come forward to sue him. According to the laws of the Dayi Dynasty, the case cannot be settled without the victim..."

    "So you have to do it yourself The sufferer?! Gu Jingyuan! Are you crazy!"

    This time, Long Yanzhao's voice filled the entire bamboo forest.

    Gu Jingyuan said, "I'm sorry."

    Long Yanzhao took a deep breath.

    "My Dayi law can't even cure such a scum, so what's the point of using it!" The

    emperor said, his voice couldn't help but become high again: "If you want to use my hands to deal with it! Gu Shenming, why didn't you tell me in advance?!"

    He seemed to have never yelled at Gu Jingyuan like this, but this time he really couldn't hold it back.

    The Long family's temper was already explosive.

    "In case the shadow guards don't find out that you know Lingxiang, or in case they don't tell me about it, no one will follow you... Have you ever thought about what will happen to you?!"

    Facing the emperor's fury, Gu Jingyuan just kept apologizing: "I'm sorry."

    Long Yanzhao said angrily, "You can bear it for so long, but you can't bear it for a while?!"

    Gu Jingyuan didn't explain anything, just like It's like I did something wrong, and I can't stop apologizing.

    The emperor did not lose his temper because of his good attitude, nor did he dispel doubts because of it, he asked: "So why? What is the reason why Ah Yuan, who has always been calm and reserved, would have such ill-considered moments?!"

    "Chen... ..." Gu Jingyuan's voice became lower, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

    "I don't want to hear you say this!"

    Long Yanzhao continued to shout, but it was obvious that the roar alone could not calm the anger in his heart. Unable to vent, the emperor could only kick Gu Shenming hard on the ground.

    Gu Shenming, who had fainted from the pain, subconsciously let out two more wailings. Long Yanzhao kicked so hard these two times that Gu Jingyuan seemed to hear the sound of his bones breaking.

    He hurriedly stepped forward and pulled out the furious emperor, and said: "Your Majesty, don't hit anymore... If you continue to fight, you will die."

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