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    "Your Majesty, we will be in the south of the Yangtze River."

    A group of dozens of horsemen and horses traveled from the north to the Central Plains in the starry night. They trekked mountains and rivers day and night without stopping.

    But when he heard his subordinates report back, the leader immediately withdrew his arm and reined in the horse.

    Looking at the dim lights below the hillside, dotted with dots embellishing the scene of the long river, the leader suddenly fell into a burst of tension for no reason.

    "Ah... the Marquis of Xiangyang is here?" His voice was extremely hoarse and rough.

    Like wind and sand grinding rocks, it sounds a bit vicissitudes at first glance.

    The leader was dressed in black, because the journey was full of wind and dust, and the black clothes were already covered with dust, so he described it as quite embarrassing.

    It's just that his posture astride the horse is as tall and straight as a majestic majestic mountain, which makes him somewhat hard and tenacious in his embarrassment.

    In addition, his facial lines are as clear and clear as a knife and axe, and the brows that fly into the temples are also full of heroism.

    Because of fighting on the battlefield for a long time, there is a bit of hostility in his handsomeness, and a bit of ferocity in his madness. The cold air spreads all over his body, and he looks both good and evil.

    "Yes." The subordinate at the back reported truthfully: "Although Hou Ye erased the scar on the brow bone...slightly changed his appearance...but the features are still very obvious and easy to identify."

    "Yes." The leader heard Bafeng didn't move, and only responded lightly.

    He closed his eyes slightly.

    That slender and slender figure was automatically reflected in his mind.

    Gu Jingyuan...

    It's been a year.

    more than a year.


    how are you doing?

    Opening his eyes again, the leader raised his whip and rode forward first.

    A group of people drove straight in, and they could no longer ride horses in the busy city. Several people settled the horses at the post station, and Long Yanzhao led a few shadow guards directly to the spies to find out where the man was.

    The Qinhuai River sings and dances every night, but it seems to have nothing to do with Long Yanzhao.

    Even if he is the emperor, he is not very interested in watching the scene of peace in the world at this time.

    Even he was expressionless along the way.

    The emperor has been like this for more than a year, with almost no change in expression, which is why it is difficult to figure out, and it is even more terrifying.

    I don't know if there is any big event tonight, the river bank is full of people going out to shop, it's so lively coming and going.

    Among the bustling crowd, Long Yanzhao was still the tallest, standing out from the crowd.

    Like a steel knife, he directly cut through the crowd along the way, and marched firmly towards the fixed destination in his heart.

    ... The emperor's footsteps are very fast.

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