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    Long Yanzhao got up to check outside the tent, Gu Jingyuan also stood up and went outside with him.

    Outside the tent, there is indeed a group of women and children in the distance, led by several soldiers.

    There are probably more than ten of these women, and there are five or six children, depending on how old they are, the youngest is still a baby in swaddle.

    Some soldiers in armor carried stretchers, some helped hold children, and some helped several injured women in a well-mannered manner.

    "What's going on here?" Long Yanzhao casually called a soldier from a distance to ask.

    Even though he hadn't had time to change his clothes, he was still dressed in a solid black suit, but after staying in the barracks for a long time, the soldier knew that it was the emperor.

    He respectfully replied: "These are women and children who were privately imprisoned by the general guarding Jingping City."

    "The general guarding the city?" Long Yanzhao: "The coward who abandoned the city and fled?"

    "Yes... I heard that The general still has a strange habit, all the women he likes in Jingping City will be imprisoned in an unknown cave dungeon, specializing in inappropriate things..."

    "It's unreasonable!" Before he finished speaking, Long Yanzhao was already furious.

    Gu Jingyuan directly turned his eyes away, unable to bear to look any further.

    I didn't know what was going on just now, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

    Now looking at those women and children from a distance, they are all dressed in tatters and shabby clothes, some of their faces are dirty and their eyebrows can't be seen clearly, and there are still injuries on their faces...

    The emperor said: "Go on."

    "Yes... also I don’t know how long they have been imprisoned. After we occupied Jingping City, these women and children were still imprisoned in it and no one released them. This is not today. They rescued them."

    The soldier explained, feeling sorry for the women and children.

    "These women and children finally saw the light of day again, and they have been like this all the way, crying and laughing for a while..."

    "Tell General Yan and ask the imperial doctors to show them." After

    speaking, Long Yanzhao ordered, " Separately open up a separate yard to settle them in. Check their identities one by one, and if there is no abnormality, let them live here temporarily. Then hire a few reliable people from the local area to take care of them."


    The soldier accepted the order After leaving, Long Yanzhao caressed Gu Jingyuan's back without a trace, and said, "Don't worry, Yuan, I will take care of them."

    "Yes." Gu Jingyuan replied, but still pursed his lips tightly.

    For a main city as large as Jingping City, the generals guarding the city, that is, the city lord, generally have to be high-ranking officials in the country to be eligible.

    Although Beirong is poor, the corruption of the bureaucratic family is even worse than that of Dayi.

    It's not surprising that such beasts appear in collusion with each other.

    But Gu Jingyuan searched his memory, but he didn't know who the guarding general of Jingping City was.

    He has been away from here for too long...

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