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    Many years ago, A Qi looked at Long Si in the same way.

    Indifferently with a hint of encouraging light.

    It gives people a kind of strength to cheer up and work hard.


    It's just that A Qi only saw him like this before.

    But now... he

    clenched his fist again, and the knuckles were clenched with a "crack", Long Yanzhao's complexion became gloomy again.

    In fact, when I think about it carefully, Ah Yuan is very kind to everyone.

    Not only did he help himself when he was too young, but he also helped many people... He helped Ji Lian, who was invaded, helped Lingxiang girl who was bullied by Gu Shenming, and even Ying Ba, who was by his side, was also tortured when he was young. Master Gu's help...

    Long Yanzhao didn't need to guess, he also knew that those young guards were probably some homeless children who had wandered outside and were picked up by Gu Jingyuan. Not only raising them, but also imparting skills, so that they have a skill.

    ...Just like many years ago, A Qi chose to take care of him everywhere and be friends with him.

    He never counted on his success in the future.

    He simply regrets what happened to him.

    Neither Ah Qi nor Ah Yuan asked for anything in return.

    It is still the same today.

    Gu Jingyuan is equally good to everyone.

    Maybe there is no distinction at all.

    It's just unfortunate that he was even worse, so Ah Yuan paid more for himself... Thinking about it

    this way...

    it seems that there is nothing special about him, Long Yanzhao?


    Then, why do you think that you are special and you can fall into Ah Yuan's eyes...?

    Long Yanzhao suddenly covered his painful head.

    His headache was very severe, his tall body shrank suddenly, his straight back bent down, and the movement was really not small.

    Especially in a busy city, it shocked the pedestrians nearby.


    Zhuo Yangqing beside him hurriedly stepped forward to support him.

    ...I haven't seen you for more than a year, but the emperor has many more problems than before.

    Zhuo Yangqing was about to cry, he was still immersed in the horror scene of the emperor falling into the water yesterday.

    "Don't scare me, minister... I've never seen the world, so I'm afraid of you." The young master said with a sad face.

    But Long Yanzhao had already waved his hands to indicate that he was fine, and stood up straight again.

    He shook his head, there was no more expression on his face, and his demeanor returned to calm and capable, and he said, "It's nothing serious."

    "Gu... isn't there a genius doctor at shopkeeper Mei, why don't you go and see it?" Zhuo Yang Qing suggested.

    Long Yanzhao glanced at him, apparently not approving his suggestion.

    "Then... so I saw it too, I recognize you and you don't intend to recognize each other." Zhuo Yangqing was helpless, and asked him: "Then when are you going to return to Beirong?" It's

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