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    The first time I saw it with my own eyes.

    Long Yanzhao's eyes were faintly stained with blood.

    He completely lost his patience, and his interest in entangled with the Queen Mother again.

    So speak more casually.

    "The empress mother has done so many things just to let me release King Hao. If that's the case, why don't you say it clearly?"

    That's right, he not only weakened the empress dowager, but also put King Hao's family under house arrest.

    Not to mention that King Hao cannot enter the palace to accompany the Empress Dowager during the New Year's Eve, but in ordinary times, no one is allowed to enter and leave Prince Hao's mansion at will without the emperor's personal order.

    ... Unless there is his warrant, King Hao will never even think of leaving the mansion in his life.

    He even issued a death order, no matter what happened to anyone, it was King Hao who wanted to raise his troops to rebel, and he could be killed on the spot without reporting.

    That's why the Queen Mother chose to threaten him like this.

    On the first day after he came back from a big victory, confronting him like this...

    Thinking of this, the emperor's face became even more ferocious.

    He turned around the temple violently, found the pill that popped out of the broken porcelain bottle, and crushed it with the sole of his shoe.

    This was not enough, he also used his internal force to directly turn it into dust, as if there was some deep hatred, and he would not stop until the dust turned into powder and completely disappeared.

    Long Yanzhao began to ask the queen mother: "The queen mother dare not directly mention King Hao and his son, is it because she is afraid that I will kill them if I get angry? Oh, in order to protect King Hao, the queen mother really took great pains."

    "Your Majesty, you know What are you talking about?!" The queen mother's voice became more and more severe.

    But there is also a little more fear in it.

    The emperor's current expression... looks... really no different from that of a madman.

    At this time, Long Yanzhao, who was on the verge of going berserk, couldn't care about the Queen Mother's reaction at all.

    Why is it like this every time, the Queen Mother always thinks much more about King Hao than about him.

    ... Could it be that if he hadn't put King Hao under house arrest, issued such a death order, and couldn't wait for his return, the world would no longer be his?

    In other words...

    if he hadn't held the lives of King Hao's family in his hands, he wouldn't be able to come back at all.


    Why did the empress he wanted to hug the most...hurt the person he loved the most?

    Gu Jingyuan...

    No one can hurt Gu Jingyuan.

    The meaning of abuse rose from the bottom of his

    heart , and the emperor couldn't suppress his anger any longer, and roared: "If you want to make King Hao's son the crown prince, the queen mother should give me medicine. Why do you want to hit Gu Jingyuan with the idea?!"

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