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    The young guards in Gu Jingyuan's yard would get up at five o'clock every day to practice exercises, and then pack up and have breakfast, and those who were not on duty would go to the private school to study.

    Most of these children are homeless orphans, and some are only twelve or thirteen years old.

    Gu Jingyuan couldn't bear the fact that they were ignorant at such a young age, so he specially hired tutors and tutors for them.

    He was also very strict with them.

    But although most of these teenagers have miserable life experiences, their character is not bad.

    They are grateful to Gu Jingyuan, and they can deeply appreciate Gu Jingyuan's devotion to them, so they want to repay them even more.

    The performance is that they work extremely hard no matter they are practicing martial arts or studying.

    And the "errands" are also extra careful when they are the guards of Meifu, just like looking at their own backyard, always vigilant.

    So when these teenagers got up and returned to the yard after practicing, and saw Long Yanzhao on the roof, they all had unkind expressions and stared at him.

    "Zhuoming, who is he..." Other teenagers came over and asked Wei Zhuoming who was on guard at night.

    It's a pity that Wei Zhuoming couldn't say anything about this issue.

    But he kept his eyes open and didn't mention what he saw and heard in front of the shopkeeper's door just now, he just said vaguely: "He said he was a friend of the shopkeeper, but he was kicked out by the shopkeeper again."

    Um...he This is all stating the facts, not telling the truth.

    But these words fell into the ears of his companions, once they heard that this person was kicked out by the shopkeeper, they automatically regarded him as an intruder, and clamored to drive him away one by one.

    Long Yanzhao was still dozing on the eaves.

    But it was really noisy below, so he simply opened his eyes.

    He didn't pay attention to the young people below at all.

    Not to mention that his martial arts are better than these youngsters, even in the year he honed on the battlefield, in terms of momentum alone, these people below are far behind.


    these are Ah Yuan's guards anyway.

    He didn't mind giving them a try.

    Long Yanzhao jumped directly to the ground.

    As a result, cleaning up this group of teenagers was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

    Even if the emperor is not wearing very suitable clothes, which are still empty and easy to be exposed at any time, these teenagers still need a lot of training and self-breakthrough, and all aspects need to be honed.

    The only one who could beat him was indeed that Wei Zhuoming, but under Long Yanzhao's hands, he couldn't do a few tricks at all.

    Long Yanzhao shook his head in dissatisfaction, and said: "You guys can't do this, you're still far away."

    Although the youths who were knocked down were shocked by his strength, they were all at the age of saving face, and they were not willing to give in Yes, get up and fight again.

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