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After all, Gu Jingyuan couldn't hold back the Ninth Five-Year Lord, so he went with the emperor.

 Because it is rare to see him showing his unwilling side, Long Yanzhao's good mood was ruined a bit. When he arrived at the appointed teahouse, although the young emperor still had a smile on his face, his aura around him was somewhat bitter, calling him People feel cold all over their bodies and are discouraged.

 Of course, this feeling is for strangers.

 Gu Jingyuan was calm and breezy, as if he didn't notice it.

 He ordered a pot of Longjing, poured good tea for Long Yanzhao and served it.

 The emperor's face was foul-smelling: "Obviously he said he wanted to thank Ah Yuan, but at this moment, Master Gu has to wait for him instead!"

 Gu Jingyuan looked at the sky and said with a smile: "It's not yet the appointed time, just wait. "

 Yang Lin too." Long Yanzhao took a sip of the tea in front of him, and did not calm down. "Ah Yuan's identity is so sensitive. If the old thief of the Regent knows that you are also involved in dealing with Xu Zhi, it will be dangerous." How could he casually mention it to others?"

 Gu Jingyuan explained with a light smile: "The friend of the Second Young Master's Juren is also a great talent with a strong character. The leader is forming a clique for personal gain. Besides, for the invasion of land, he should be most grateful to His Majesty. That Mr. Ji is a person who knows the general situation, so how could he betray his minister?"

 Long Yanzhao was not persuaded, "Great talent? Who's his name? Why haven't I heard of it?"

 Gu Jingyuan said: "It is said that his name is Ji Lian, and his name is Ziyan. He won the Juren three years ago, and he will come to participate in the spring test next year, maybe he will still be in high school. "


 Long Yanzhao expressed some doubts about these words.

 Especially seeing that Gu Jingyuan not only defended Ji Ziyan a lot in words, but even had high expectations for him...

 Emperor Yuwen wanted to meet that great talent even more.

 When there was a gap between talking, Yang Lin led the people over.

 The two of them are easy to identify, the second young master Yang is still dressed like a high-spirited and noble young master, and his childishness is still intact, his brows are full of sunshine and handsomeness.

 And that Mr. Ji is dressed in a commoner long gown, with an upright and polite appearance, elegant and elegant, he looks like a very dull and stable person.

 When the two saw Gu Jingyuan and Long Yanzhao sitting in the teahouse, they were both taken aback for a moment.

 Yang Lin saw Emperor Yuwen next to Gu Jingyuan, but he didn't expect him to bring him here, and he didn't know how to react for a while, so he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

 But Ji Ziyan caught sight of Gu Jingyuan who was sitting there laughing and talking. Almost with just one glance, he knew that that was Mr. Gu who was talented in literature and music, their great literary star...

 He had read all of Mr. Gu's poems and essays.

 He has also heard about those wind and cloud deeds of Mr. Gu.

 Now that he has met the rightful owner like this, he can still experience the talent of the other party... Even though he has always been polite, calm and introverted, Ji Lian still couldn't help getting excited and couldn't look away at all.

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