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Chapter 9 Moonlight May Be Frost on the Ground

    On the second day, Gu Jingyuan got off the morning court and just returned home to change his clothes when a message came from the Prince Regent's Mansion asking him to come over.

 When Gu Jingyuan arrived at the Prince Regent's Mansion, he was blocked by Gu Shenming before he saw the Prince Regent.

 Gu Shenming is the Prince Regent's own son, and he is still alive and growing up. Now that the regent is powerful, not to mention that Gu Jingyuan's status is not as high as his, even among all the disciples of the aristocratic families in the whole capital, there is no one with a higher status than Gu Shenming.

 "Young master." Gu Jingyuan greeted him politely.

 Gu Shenming was a little older than him, and he had already passed the weak years, but he was still a well-known playboy in Beijing.

 Not only did he do nothing, but he also did a lot of evil things in private.

 Gu Jingyuan was not familiar with him.

 "I heard that the emperor gave you a piece of jade with fragrance?" Gu Shenming stopped him and asked.

 Immediately afterwards, he looked him up and down again, and said to himself: "Your Majesty sees that you are a literati, you are handsome, and you can be servile and coquettish, and use that thing to humiliate you.

 " He was born quite burly, and his appearance is not ugly, but he is a bit vulgar, and his speech is also ugly.

 Gu Jingyuan stood there and let him talk without answering.

 He had already changed from his court clothes to a bright red dress that he usually likes, with a snow-white cloak wrapped around his waist and tied very high. Although his figure is thin, Gu Jingyuan himself is not low, and his eyesight is almost at the same level as Gu Shenming.

 He stood there, there was no flattery in the peach blossom eyes, and a pair of black and white eyes stared straight back.

 After a while, the silent Gu Jingyuan suddenly said: "Even if what the eldest son said is the truth, you shouldn't try to speculate on the holy will, and talk openly here."

 "It's a joke." Gu Shenming still stared at him: " Make it clear, this is my family. If there is anything I can't say in my own family, who dares to spread it to the outside world? I don't want to live..."

 Gu Jingyuan had already said: "It's okay if the eldest son wants to humiliate me, but since you are a righteous father and son, I still have to remind you that the king is the leader of the minister, even if you don't see your majesty in your eyes in every possible way, don't say it. The words and deeds of the eldest son will only make you look stupid."

 "Shut up!" Gu Shenming interrupted him in a rough voice.

 "Okay, Gu Jingyuan, you are still so eloquent. Let me tell you that you will always have a hundred words to wait for me, and protect the little emperor like this? Then do you know..." Gu Shenming said with a smirk.

 He looked down, his eyes fell on Gu Jingyuan's slender waist, and he leaned closer to him, deliberately lowering his voice and said, "You don't look right now. Fuck..."

 "Young master." Gu Jingyuan interrupted him again.

 As articulate as he said, Gu Jingyuan said sternly: "The matter between me and Your Majesty is the intention of the adoptive father. If the eldest son has any objections, you may as well go directly to the adoptive father."

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