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Gu Jingyuan is indeed going to have a look at the warehouse in the palace today, do some inventory, and then order the steward to do some things.

 It's just that I've been busy for an hour. He had heard that His Majesty called the young master to play chess, and he asked for leave in advance, so Gu Jingyuan planned to leave the palace directly and go home to rest.

 Coming out of the warehouse, stepping on the winding path, before taking a few steps, Gu Jingyuan felt that someone was following him.

 He used to walk in the palace, but most of them only appeared near the emperor's study room and bedroom, and he would never set foot in other places without edicts.

 But this time the route from the warehouse to the palace gate is different from the usual one.

 Gu Jingyuan's hearing is extraordinary, it is not difficult to detect two small footsteps following him, neither fast nor slow, just happened to fall not far behind him, and followed him all the way to the Royal Garden.

 But even if he found out that he was being followed, Mr. Gu didn't make a sound.

 This is the imperial palace, and there are a few young eunuchs leading the way beside him, and there will be forbidden soldiers passing by here from time to time, so it is expected that nothing will happen.

 Until he came to the back garden and bumped into Princess Yongxin.

 "I see the princess, and pay my respects to the princess."

 He stopped and saluted the princess, the other party was distinguished, according to the rules of etiquette, Gu Jingyuan should pay her respects like this.

 But Princess Yongxin, who had been waiting there for a long time, turned around suddenly after hearing his voice, and then trotted over.

 "Brother Jingyuan, please hurry up!" The

 princess was still wearing a fiery red dress, which was similar in color to Gu Jingyuan's usual clothes.

 It's just that compared to Gu Jingyuan's miserable beauty when she was wrapped in red clothes, the princess wearing red clothes will only make her look hot and enthusiastic, like a cluster of warm fires, hot and bright.

 Gu Jingyuan stood up as he said.

 "It's so late, why is the princess still here, not going back to rest?"

 "Of course I'm waiting for you!" Yongxin spoke quickly, and there was a big smile on a cute baby face, and she couldn't wait to ask:

 "Brother Jingyuan, you haven't replied to my letter for a long time, have you received the letter I wrote to you?"

 Although the girl's brows were full of heroic demeanor, she couldn't escape her flushed cheeks when facing Gu Jingyuan. The double pupil cuts water, innocent and innocent.

 With some expectation in her eyes, she looked directly at Gu Jingyuan, and her mentality was roughly that she hoped that he had read her letter, but also hoped that he hadn't received it at all.

 In that case, it can be explained that the other party has not seen her letter since he has not received a reply.

 Instead of deliberately avoiding her.

 Although she already knew the answer in her heart.

 After all, in the past year, so many rumors and gossips in the capital have spread to Huizhou, she already knew...

 Gu Jingyuan didn't answer immediately, but took the lead to back away from the left and right.

 After all, he was a foreign minister, so it was inconvenient for him to walk alone in the palace, he had to have several people around him.

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