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    Long Yanzhao didn't know what he was doing either.

    Maybe I haven't closed my eyes for a few days, my mind is dull, and my hands and feet can't be controlled.

    So much so that by the time he realized it, he had already touched Gu Jingyuan's bed.

    Gu Jingyuan still had the familiar scent of saponin on her body.

    The moment he hugged the other party from behind, suddenly, the emperor's heart was fixed.

    The empty embrace finally hugged the opponent's thin body again, Long Yanzhao sighed contentedly, and all previous hesitation faded away.

    What kind of face... As long as you can hug him like this, everything is worth it.

    "Ayuan...don't be afraid, I just want to talk to you."

    Gu Jingyuan who had been acupunctured couldn't move, and Long Yanzhao himself was tense.

    He found a comfortable position for the other party, asking him to lean in his arms, but still kept his back to himself.

    ...The emperor now lacks the courage to look directly into Gu Jingyuan's eyes.

    Fearing that people would be cold, they even wrapped them up with quilts.

    Then, Long Yanzhao gently pressed against his back.

    "But I... don't know what to say. Why don't we just have a heart-to-heart talk? I have never told you about my affairs before, and Ah Yuan never told me about my own affairs... I will talk about my affairs I'll tell you everything, so you can tell me everything about you, okay?" As

    he spoke, Long Yanzhao raised his body halfway to see Gu Jingyuan's reaction.

    But Gu Jingyuan had already closed his eyes.

    ...Even if he didn't cover the opponent's eyes with his hands, Gu Jingyuan didn't want to look at him.

    This recognition made Long Yanzhao feel a little sour.

    But even the other party said that he didn't love him and was just taking advantage of him. He could bear it, and he could rush over like this... Obviously, the emperor didn't take this little bit of rejection to heart.

    ...It's all here, so let's try again for the last time.

    He also thought a lot these days, and he really didn't care much about Gu Jingyuan.

    He doesn't know where his knowledge and talent come from, or why he likes to wear red clothes.

    Apart from liking spicy food, he didn't know what other things Gu Jingyuan liked or what hobbies he had.

    He didn't even ask how he got such a long scar on his brow bone.

    Why didn't you ask?

    Because I feel unimportant.

    Because Gu Jingyuan never needed him to ask.

    He is well-behaved, sensible, restrained and powerful.

    He always appeared by his side in every possible way, as if he didn't have half of his own temperament, no edges and corners to speak of, smooth and smooth like jade.

    But it is also this warm and moist jade, if it sticks to the skin and wears it for a long time, people will ignore it.


    But it is wrong to ignore the other party.

    Gu Jingyuan is also human and real, and obviously he also has emotions.

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