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    In the courtyard of the city lord of Jingping City, Cheng Zhi also heard the news that Beirong Imperial Mausoleum had been excavated.

    Even different from others, she not only heard about it earlier, but also knew what it was all about.

    ——Her brother came to her early in the morning and told her what happened last night.

    Cheng Zhi was surprised, but also felt relieved.

    "Next, we will continue to march north. Ah Zhi will stay here with Zan'er and wait for our good news." Gu Jingyuan said.

    He didn't say it clearly, but his words were very clear. He would go straight to the capital of Beirong, and even go further north until he captured Beiya...

    "Second brother..."

    Cheng Zhi was a little worried, and he didn't want to go so soon separated from him. She said: "If the second brother wants to avenge me, then there is no need. It is my life... Besides, I don't hate the prince brother. He is the lord of a country. He really shouldn't think about me..."

    "Since it's a country-to-country matter, you shouldn't have to bear it alone." Long Yanzhao took the lead, and couldn't listen to it. .

    In this regard, the pair of brothers and sisters really don't have only a little bit of resemblance.

    It is true that no matter what happens, the first person who wants to sacrifice is himself.

    Long Yanzhao didn't want Cheng Zhi to have any thoughts of self-blame, and he didn't want her to think that everything was caused by her.

    So the emperor said it very bluntly: "If it is my sister, even if there is a conflict, I will definitely find a way to rescue her first, instead of ignoring her and ignoring life and death, do you understand?"

    Cheng Zhi: "..."

    Cheng Zhi Looking at Long Yanzhao in a daze, she hadn't thought about what he said.

    Bei Rong fights for the benefit of the people of Bei Rong, so she and Zan'er are not human...

    Hate is hate, resentment is also resentment.

    But in the face of the monarchs of the two countries, no matter which side she wants to retaliate against, she will hit the stone with an egg, so... just forget it.

    Especially when she was struggling to survive, how could she dare to ask for revenge?


    Cheng Zhi looked at Gu Jingyuan again, but saw that her second brother's face was calm and serious, and he didn't even have the slightest objection to the emperor's words.

    Cheng Zhi couldn't help being shocked, and said with gratitude: "Second brother, I... don't know how to repay you and the emperor..."

    "Ah Zhi." Gu Jingyuan called her to stop.

    He smiled at her and said, "As long as Ah Zhi lives here well and takes care of herself and Zan'er, the second brother can rest assured."

    Then, just like when he was a child, he gently patted Cheng Zhi's head.

    Although Long Yanzhao had already arranged everything in terms of the life of Ah Zhi's mother and son, and there was nothing to worry about here, Gu Jingyuan still worriedly explained everything to Cheng Zhi.

    He didn't bid farewell to Cheng Zhi until he couldn't think of anything else to say.

    Cheng Zhi wanted to keep him but didn't dare to speak, so she could only sigh slightly and said, "It's a pity that Zan'er is still awake, so I can't say goodbye to uncle."

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