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    Under the cold moonlight, Long Yanzhao grinned.

    "I never let myself go."

    He looked at Gu Jingyuan's back, as if he could grab Gu Jingyuan's waist with just one hand.

    But I feel that he is so far away.

    The insurmountable gap blocked them, hindering his approach to Gu Jingyuan.

    It's so close...

    but it's out of reach.

    There was a chuckle in Long Yanzhao's extremely hoarse voice.

    He said: "Ah Yuan is doing what I should do, and I only do what I want to do...what's the problem?

    " turn around.

    His figure was tall and straight, and his tone was unprecedentedly tough.

    Suddenly, it seems that he has changed into the appearance of A Qi in the past.

    Gu Jingyuan said: "The emperor must consider the country, the country, and the common people before doing things. Have you forgotten what I have taught you     ?


I couldn't help but beam with joy.

    Even though he knew that Ah Yuan did it on purpose, he deliberately wanted to wake him up.

    But Long Yanzhao's eyes lit up, and he explained: "I have not disregarded the common people in the world. You can see a thing or two from this Jinling Mansion. Although I led the army to the Northern Expedition, it did not affect the people's livelihood. Here is still Qinghe Haiyan singing and dancing. ... Ah Yuan, I..."

    "But what if the emperor is in the way?" Gu Jingyuan asked suddenly.

    Long Yanzhao's words were interrupted.

    Unlike the previous low-browed and pleasing eyes, Gu Jingyuan's peach blossom eyes were stern. He looked directly at him and said slowly: "If something happens to the emperor, will there be peace in this world?"

    "You will send King An to Yan Wang Chu, did you know that the future King Yan will not become the second Gu Yuanjin?"

    "Everyone is selfish, Your Majesty."

    He approached Long Yanzhao again, pressing every step of the way, using the most rebellious tone in the whole world, saying the most rebellious words in the whole world.

    "You have already experienced how difficult it is for the young master to take the position. Do you want King An to try it again? Even if he is willing to try it, can your Dayi Dynasty withstand such a toss?"

    "Be sober, Your Majesty."

    He lowered his eyes again. Gu Jingyuan's eyebrows and eyes are so delicate.

    His eyelashes trembled slightly, and he stood two steps away from Long Yanzhao.

    But he suddenly raised his eyes and stared closely at Long Yanzhao's eyes, his voice was very soft.

    Gu Jingyuan said earnestly: "Stop doing useless things."


    It is said that there is a sea monster along the coast of the East China Sea.

    Comes out to sing at the full moon.

    The voice is ethereal and graceful, with a thousand turns.

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