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When seeing these two lines of words, Gu Jingyuan's thoughts suddenly drifted away.

 When he came back to his senses, Long Yanzhao had already folded the letter paper intact, handed it to Hong Taiquan who was waiting on the side, and signaled him to burn it.

 As if nothing had happened, the Ninth Five-Year Lord sat down on the dragon chair again, and did not forget to ask someone to frame the "calligraphy" he had just painted.

 After finishing all the orders, Long Yanzhao asked: "What does Ah Yuan think about Beirong's affairs?"

 Gu Jingyuan lowered his eyes and tried to keep his voice as calm as possible: "The emperor of Beirong is old, and although the prince is orthodox, the king of Zhennan is the most respected Emperor Beirong loves it, and it is inevitable to compete for the throne... I think this matter has nothing to do with the Great Yi, and we just need to watch from the sidelines."

 Long Yanzhao did not speak.

 Under the sword-shaped eyebrows that flew obliquely into the temples, a pair of obsidian-like bright eyes kept flickering and flickering.

 It seems that the emperor is contemplating.

 In the end, he let out a heavy breath: "Come on, Ah Yuan is right."

 After speaking, the emperor put the mountain of memorials on the clean desk again, planning to continue dealing with state affairs.

 ——Gu Jingyuan is right, the battle between the Beirong royal family has nothing to do with Dayi.

 In view of past affection, if Cheng Yinzhuo needs his help, he will definitely help.

 If he doesn't need it, it's useless for him to worry about it like this.

 The 18-style villain figure was put away, and after a while of joking, he still had to get down to business.

 Being an emperor is actually very tiring, and it doesn't mean that being an emperor will make you happy.

 What's more, Cheng Yinzhuo is unparalleled in talent and appearance, and is highly respected. Even if he is not an emperor, he can still live well.

 Thinking of this, he felt a lot more relaxed, and read the memorial with peace of mind.

 When Long Yanzhao was flipping through the memorial, Gu Jingyuan stood aside with downcast eyes.

 His expression, at first glance, looks the same.

 It's just that his eyes, which are usually filled with stars, now seem to be foggy.

 Later, when Long Yanzhao saw that he hadn't moved for a long time, and called him, Gu Jingyuan came back to his senses.

 In the past two days, Ah Yuan was often in a daze, and Long Yanzhao noticed it again this time, so he couldn't help feeling suspicious.

 But after thinking about it, Ah Yuan might be worried that he would intervene in Bei Rong's struggle for power.

 ——Although the people of Beirong are good at fighting, they are several times stronger than Beirong in terms of national strength. If he helps secretly, Cheng Yinzhuo will surely succeed to the throne...

 Of course, Gu Jingyuan will be worried, and it won't be because of He is jealous.

 According to his understanding of Ah Yuan, the young man is probably afraid that he will do something stupid... such as mobilizing the power of the whole country, intervening in the struggle for power in Beirong, and helping the king of Zhennan to ascend the throne.

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