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    Long Yanzhao recalled the situation just now.

    He was so shocked by Gu Jingyuan that he couldn't say a word.

    All movements can't help but come to a halt.

    He had never thought of the possibility that the other party mentioned... In the

    past, it was like a dream.

    He had to react for a long time, his expression was still dull, full of surprise: "You mean... If I were not the emperor, you would not come to my side..."

    "And if it was someone else who became the emperor..." The

    emperor was stunned There is no doubt that there is anger under Ran's appearance.

    But because he was too surprised and stunned, he couldn't do anything or say anything.

    It can only be a little silly like that, looking at Gu Jingyuan from top to bottom.

    Later, he roughly took Gu Jingyuan's hand that was covering his face.

    Touching his cheek again with his fingers, he brought the fingertip that caught a tear in front of his eyes, Long Yanzhao stared blankly, his whole body became extremely dumbfounded.

    He said: "So Ah Yuan's reaction on the bed was not because of me... even Ah Yuan's tears were never because of me."

    He said, and put down his hand.

    The finger bones hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound of "dong".

    Long Yanzhao's blood-red eyes fixed on Gu Jingyuan, his canthus cracked.

    Both arms were hanging heavily and trembling violently.

    He really wanted to deal with Gu Jingyuan in this way, so that he would never see this face, these eyes again, and it would be over once and for all.

    He also wanted to humiliate him heavily, treat him harshly, and really kill people like that to "satisfy" him.

    But looking at the other party's wet and tear-stained eyes, he couldn't do anything, couldn't say a word.

    ... Who said that Gu Jingyuan's eyes could tell stories.

    Why did he look into his eyes, as if he saw a rainy night.


    the end, Long Yanzhao did nothing.

    He just stood up straight from the ground.

    Just standing up was not enough, he lifted Gu Jingyuan who was lying on the ground, and wrapped it up again with his clothes.

    His expression was terrifyingly deep and calm.

    It's just that the movements are vigorous and rude, which somewhat exposed the emotions of the Ninth Five-Year Lord. There is a kind of "If you want me to touch you, then I won't touch you", "If everyone is the same, then I will let you go out to find wild things." Man" feeling of venting anger.

    It's just that during the whole process, Gu Jingyuan lowered his head and let him fiddle with it.

    But even if he felt the danger, as if the emperor would cut his neck off countless times, Gu Jingyuan was still fearless.

    ...will subconsciously feel fear.

    But in fact, he didn't care much about the consequences of angering the emperor.

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