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After Gu Jingyuan left from Lingxiang, he still didn't go home, but came to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

After breaking up with Nan Chengbo, Gu Yuanjin also suffered a lot, and now he is sick in bed, and Gu Jingyuan came to see his adoptive father.

Although it was only after entering the door that he found out that his adoptive father had already fallen asleep, so it was inconvenient to visit him at this time.

Gu Jingyuan paid respects in the air outside the courtyard, and then turned around to leave.

"Gu Jingyuan, it really is you, you have the nerve to come here!" Gu

Shenming, who also became a little frustrated, just happened to bump into him, and immediately became furious.

This year hasn't passed yet, Gu Yuanjin lost his arm again and again, all because of his son who didn't live up to expectations.

Even if the regent loves the eldest son, he can't pamper him like this.

Gu Yuanjin decided to send Gu Shenming out of the capital immediately, and let him return to his old house in the south. Without permission, he was not allowed to step into the capital again.

But how could Gu Shenming be willing to part with the prosperity of the capital?

What's more, although he is a rich man, he also knows that he is responsible for the loss of power of the Prince Regent's House.

Even though it doesn't matter whether they get together or not, it's impossible for him not to take it to heart when such a big thing happened in the family.

He rushed to Gu Jingyuan, glared at him fiercely, and asked him: "The matter of Lingxiang is caused by the little emperor behind the scenes, right? Hmm? Otherwise, why can't such a living person be found? Come on, he took the man Where did you hide it? Do you know everything?!"

Gu Jingyuan didn't even look at him this time.

Just like standing next to him now would make you feel sick, his movements were obvious, and he wanted to bypass him and leave directly.

But Gu Shenming is not so easy to fool this time, he is a person who is about to leave Beijing, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

"I told my father a long time ago that you can't be trusted. Now it's okay! The young master started to doubt you when Xu Zhi happened last time. Gu Jingyuan, did you fucking follow the little emperor? Forget about it." What is your last name?!"

The roaring Young Master Gu's facial features were extremely distorted.

He originally had an ugly and wretched face, but now he was swaying from side to side to block Gu Jingyuan's path, his words and actions were extremely disgusting.

But in contrast to him who was furious, it was Gu Jingyuan's calm appearance with half-closed eyelids.

Gu Shenming refused to let him go, so he stood still.

But it is not resignation.

Gu Jingyuan acted like that, as if he was "sure that he was just coming here to scold and vent, so he quietly waited for him to finish scolding". This kind of thinking couldn't be more obvious.

This made Gu Shenming even more uneasy.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Gu Jingyuan, and dragged him directly to the uninhabited backyard.

Gu Jingyuan was caught, and he couldn't break free from the strange force generated by the other party's rage in vain, so he was pulled straight away.

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