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    There is a miracle doctor on Fuhu Mountain.

    Young and handsome, with excellent medical skills, he never takes a penny for giving medicine. In addition to often researching some weird things, and also likes to find villagers to test medicines, overall he is like a living Bodhisattva.

    In the past two days, another young man with an overly beautiful appearance has joined the genius doctor.

    Her lips are red and her teeth are white. Although she doesn't smile often, her eyes are like a pool of clear water. Looking into it, it is full of spring, warmly rippling with waves, infinitely gentle and calm.

    Compared with Dr. Rong, who is straightforward and bold, the new Mr. Mu is much easier to talk to.

    ...The most important thing is that Mr. Wang's eyebrows and eyes are too handsome, and he is so good-looking, just looking at it makes people feel happy.

    If you can get the medicine delivered by your husband and drink the soup cooked by him, you can forget even the pain on your body.


    There is nothing to do today, there is no need to go down the mountain to see a doctor or deliver medicine, Gu Jingyuan got up early, went down the mountain to pick up two buckets of water and came back, then went to the back mountain to water the medicine field, and then cleaned up the yard inside and out, etc. When Rong Qing got up, Gu Jingyuan had already taken care of everything, and was sitting in the yard, looking at drying herbs while flipping through his medical books.

    Rong Qing: "..."

    Waking up early in the morning, Rong Qing was not used to seeing picturesque and elegant people sitting there reading a book.

    What's more, when Mr. Gu didn't come, his place was in chaos.

    However, there are also two children who are responsible for daily life and can help take care of it.

    But those two were orphans picked up by Miracle Doctor Rong at the foot of the mountain. They were young and ignorant, and the herbs and decorations in his yard were still treasures. They were not allowed to enter the yard to clean them for fear of being accidentally touched.

    He usually studies various medicinal herbs himself, so naturally he can't take care of these details of life. After a long time, the yard has become a mess.

    But Gu Jingyuan has only been here for two days, and the place has become unprecedentedly tidy.

    The key is that Mr. Gu is smart and has a good memory.

    As long as you tell him something once, he will remember everything.

    What things should be specially preserved, where to put them, how to dry the herbs, when to choose, and when to water the seedlings...

    He remembered everything.

    There is no need to worry about the yard being messed up or that something will be destroyed.

    Gu Jingyuan never makes mistakes.

    "You got up so early." Rong Qing stretched his waist.

    "Brother Rong woke up too late." Gu Jingyuan pointed to the sun rising three poles above his head.

    When going down the mountain, Gu Jingyuan would use some small disguise techniques performed by Miracle Doctor Rong to cover up the scar on the brow bone.

    His scar looked scary at first glance, a red mark paired with a stunning face, so coquettish and highly recognizable that it is not suitable to appear in densely populated places.

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