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    In the martial arts arena where tens of thousands of people gathered, Gu Jing wished not to say much, and there was no need to say any more.

    Everyone couldn't help looking at the young man in plain clothes and long robes who was standing straight in front of the martial arts arena.

    Before that, they didn't know that the legendary Marquis Xiangyang, the Wenqu star of their Dayi dynasty... would even know martial arts? !

    This is really unheard of!

    But after thinking about it, since Hou Ye and the emperor came here, they have only fought two or three defensive battles with Bei Rong, because they were prepared to win easily every time, and they did not need Hou Ye to go out in person. Naturally, I have never seen Lord Hou make a move.

    In this way... People around looked at the soldier whose helmet was shot off in the middle of a small open space, and their eyes couldn't help but look a little more contemptuous.

    ——Hou Ye was born as a literati, but he has the ability to walk through Yang with a hundred steps.

    Looking at this soldier who only talked about others behind his back and was exposed by Lord Hou on the spot, he didn't seem to have the ability of Lord Hou.

    As a matter of fact, just because of Master Hou's skill, more than half of the people in the martial arts arena probably can't match his accuracy.

    In this way, all the previous ridicules have become a kind of joke.

    Gu Houye's words are naturally deeply rooted in the hearts of the people... Before talking about others, check whether you are qualified. This sentence alone is worth many people's reflection...

    Leaving a long and thin back, Xiangyanghou has already He left the martial arts arena with the emperor.

    But the shock he brought to others today is indelible.

    "Looking at that arrow technique, it's not an exaggeration to say that you can penetrate Yang's designation with a hundred steps. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would believe Lord Hou..."

    "Yes, yes, Master Hou's figure and appearance, no one would think that this is a man You know martial arts... This time it really surprised us!"

    "No wonder the emperor deliberately invited Lord Hou here, he can fight and think of schemes, where can we find a perfect person like Master Hou... ..."

    "But it's still hard to believe when you think about it. How did Lord Hou practice his arm strength and accuracy? What?"

    Not only ordinary soldiers, but even the generals under King Quang Binh were amazed.

    They discussed matters in the emperor's camp every day, and Lord Hou just listened in. He was supposed to have a very weak sense of existence, but he has such a face... After

    a long time, it will inevitably make people think too much.

    But after today's scene, no one dared to despise Master Gu anymore.

    After returning from the martial arts arena, everyone stayed in the commander's tent, quietly waiting for today's discussion.

    No one dared to talk nonsense anymore.

    No one

    knew that in the private tent behind, Gu Jingyuan, who had just demonstrated his archery skills twice, had already turned white on his lips.

    For the current him, firing two arrows in a row is still a little bit reluctant.

    Not to mention the bow-drawing and aiming that he practiced day and night-these are things that are deeply rooted in his bones. Even if he hasn't touched it for many years, he can still find the state he was in back then.

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