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Chapter 12 Moonlight May Be Frost on the Ground

"Master Gu?"

 Song Xinrui's voice came from behind, "Why did we stop?"

 Since he spoke, the voice behind the mountain stopped abruptly. Gu Jingyuan knew that the two people were still there, but he just took it for something. Did not hear the general continue to move forward.

 He said: "It's nothing."

 Although, those two voices were indeed extremely presumptuous, and the volume became louder and louder, and Song Xinrui, who approached later, also heard some.

 Song Xinrui couldn't see the expression of Gu Jingyuan who was walking in front, but she still couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed for him.

 ... Everyone in the world says that Mr. Gu was able to win His Majesty's exclusive favor because his appearance is very similar to the white moonlight in His Majesty's heart.

 And because maybe the meat in other people's bowls is more fragrant, and the moon in other people's homes is rounder, maybe it's because of His Majesty's preference, Dayi, from the imperial court to the common people, likes to praise the appearance of the little prince of Beirong value.

 What's more, the folks even made up nursery rhymes, praising that person's beauty.

 It's just that Song Xinrui felt that to say that Mr. Gu was the substitute of that person was really humiliating Mr. Gu.

 He didn't believe that the little prince could really match Mr. Gu's demeanor.

 It's just His Majesty...

 who knows what His Majesty thinks?


 That's why Song Xinrui felt from the bottom of his heart that those chattering voices were disgusting.

 ——With Mr. Gu's strength of character, why do you need to imitate others?

 Song Xinrui felt unilaterally that being favored by the Holy One would not be just because of a face.

 If it's just the appearance, isn't there still a Mr. Dong in the harem? Why didn't His Majesty speak more words to him.

 Thinking of this, Song Xinrui was also very angry.

 But in order not to embarrass Gu Jingyuan, he didn't explode on the spot to confront the people behind the rockery. He just yelled loudly on purpose to stop them from discussing any further, so as not to pollute their ears.

 After the two left the garden and their ears were cleared, Song Xinrui really wanted to persuade Gu Jingyuan to stop taking those villainous words to heart.

 But thinking that Mr. Gu probably didn't know that he had heard that discussion...under entanglement, Song Xinrui still chose not to say anything.

 Although he still didn't want Mr. Gu to be affected by this incident.

 ...I can't say why I care so much about the other party's feelings.

 He just felt that someone as beautiful and beautiful as Mr. Gu should not be insulted like this.

 Thinking of this, Song Xinrui took a few steps and caught up with Gu Jingyuan.

 He carefully watched the other party's expression, and saw that the other party's expression was as usual, but his eyes were restrained but deep and firm, so he was relieved.  

     But who would have thought that Gu Jingyuan said at this time: "Master Song has heard it?" White gave birth to a bit of beauty.  Realizing that she was obsessed with watching, Song Xinrui hurriedly looked away, not daring to look any more.  

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