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    After a long toss, Gu Jingyuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.

    When he woke up again, he only felt that his body was still in turbulence... He

    suddenly opened his eyes, and found that it was already bright outside, but he was still in the cabin.

    ……A person.

    Last night, Long Yanzhao was not by his side.

    Thinking of what they said when they were drunk, what can't be done... Gu Jingyuan suddenly had an ominous premonition, he turned over from the couch in a hurry, not even caring about the discomfort on his body, put on his coat Then he walked out and came directly to the outside of the cabin.

    Outside, on the deck, beside the shadow guards who bowed and saluted, waiting for His Majesty's further instructions, Long Yanzhao stood tall and tall, and was standing at the bow of the ship reading a letter.

    Hearing the movement from Gu Jingyuan's side, he casually stuffed the handwritten letter into his arms, said to the shadow guard, "Go down first", and ran straight to Gu Jingyuan's direction.

    "A Yuan, are you awake?...Why don't you wear your shoes again!" The

    emperor stepped forward with a smile on his face, then frowned suddenly, ran over and picked him up.


    Although Gu Jingyuan was still wearing an inner coat, the coat was casually worn without a belt.

    Today is cloudy, and the wind on the river is a bit strong.

    The thin coat fluttered in the breeze, and when it was picked up suddenly, the slender and delicate ankles were completely exposed.

    Shrinking his feet uncomfortably, Gu Jingyuan said: "It's summer, it's not cold     .


, sitting at Gu Jingyuan's feet very naturally, holding one of his ankles.

    "Your Majesty." Gu Jingyuan retracted his legs in shock, but Long Yanzhao's big hand was already tightly holding his ankle, and no one could refuse him at all.

    The emperor was not proficient in putting on shoes and socks for him, but he was meticulous and patient enough.

    Time seemed to stand still, Gu Jingyuan was so uncomfortable that the arm that was leaning on his body trembled, and the emperor finally finished wearing it.

    After wearing it, in order to alleviate the embarrassment just now, Gu Jingyuan asked: "Is there something wrong with the emperor?"

    Facing Long Yanzhao's gaze looking at him, he said: "If there is anything wrong, Your Majesty will solve it." Forget it, you don't need to be here..."

    "It's true that Beirong has something to do." Long Yanzhao said abruptly.


    Mentioning the word "Bei Rong", Gu Jingyuan's eyelashes trembled suddenly.

    Even if a person like him has not deliberately inquired about the war in the north, he can already guess the time when the emperor was in the south of the Yangtze River based on the comments of the people who traveled from south to north and lived in the Mingyue Tower. status.

    Furthermore, one can guess some of the contents of the letter that Long Yanzhao read just now.

    "Is it important?" Gu Jingyuan asked.

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